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The lantern festival, which had been announced one long week ago, had been rapidly approaching with a warm feeling of joy and excitement. It had been announced that members would get special outfits according to the theme of the festival - and you'd be lying if you said you weren't hoping for one yourself.

Just when was the last time you had gotten an outfit?

It was an ongoing joke in the manor that some of you were neglected by the owner - you, Mary, Margaretha, Aesop, Freddy and many others were constantly fighting for your lives just to get an outfit - and especially one that wasn't ugly.

Mary had been graced by the gods, getting not only one but three new outfits during the past year. Three of which were beyond beautiful. You couldn't help but envy her as she strutted past the halls in her fancy peacock-themed dress.

That was a lie, you weren't jealous; you were a simp.

"Hey y/n, did you hear about the activities that will be happening?" Luca's happy voice rang out.

After helping him with his invention, you both had only grown closer. "No, what will they be putting on?"

He hummed. "I heard they'd be giving out lanterns and stuff. Also that there will be the normal outfits plus two more special outfits. They haven't said for who yet, but I'm excited to see how this will play out!" Cheering, he turned to me with a beaming smile. "I've always loved lantern festivals; my parents would take me to them whenever they could as a child. They were always so warm and pretty."

"I remember going to some myself before the manor. I wouldn't go very often, just when I was invited or had someone to take - I do agree though, the lights contrasting the scenery was always beautiful. Especially during sakura festivals."

The boy's smile softened, probably in a daze. "Ah the sakura festivals. I had completely forgotten about those, they were beautiful as well."

You nodded in agreement but said nothing else, staring off to the nothingness of the living room floor. Luca must have said something, cause you could hear his voice speak up again, but you couldn't really register his words completely.

The only thing you wondered; how are Norton and Aesop doing?


During the weekend you were able to see some preparations for the festival start coming to life. The surrounding gardens had started becoming enveloped with fairy lights, streamers and other decorations of the sorts. you never understood the magic of the manor - how one day random decorations would appear, but then again; the manor had a walking reptilian man and a doctor who's syringe could heal physical injuries in just ten seconds, so you knew better than to question it out loud.

Still, it was nice to spend afternoons outside basking in the lights that would paint the dark greens with warm yellows - the setting sky just barely giving the world glimmers of light.

It was warm as you sat on the wooden bench, watching the clouds turn into yellow and pink cotton candy bunches. Inside, the rattle of life from happy survivors and hunters alike could be heard - laughing and singing as the celebrated the upcoming event.

The news of who would get outfits had arrived, and you were more than elated to see that you would be the one getting the S outfit. (The more special one of all.) But the excitement was short lived. The A outfits would go to Aesop and Norton.

You should've seen it coming. No matter how much you avoided Norton - not how much Aesop avoided you - eventually life would come bite you in the ass with yet another awfully awkward situation.

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