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[a/n: it's been a while since I wrote here, so I apologise for the small hiatus lol. Anyways where tf is user vcranair??? I feel cheated on with the fact they haven't read this story in ages smh.]

Patricia was in an especially good mood today, a mood that left a very tired Vera and a very annoyed you to scowl at her skipping. She ignored your sour faces however, and turned to Fiona. "I got Naib terrorshocked."


"He's really mad at me now and trying to give me the cold shoulder." She snickered, looking over at the mercenary who glared at her from his spot at the dining table. "Jokes on him though, giving someone the cold shoulder implies that they wanted your attention in the first place. Which I, personally, never wished to have from an incel."



Said girl froze, turning to the seething man who had slammed his hands down on the table - scaring the poor explorer who hugged his body at the sight of his fellow survivor. "Oops." She laughed, giving the three of you a final smile. "Gotta blast." And with that you watched your second friend run away from the cursing mercenary.

"You two -" You motioned to Vera as the perfumer rose a brow. "- you guys have a habit of pissing him off."

"Can you blame us?" She scoffed. "He's annoying and acts as if rescuing us is a hard thing to do. It's literally his job, and the only thing he's good at might I add."

"I think he's good at kiting..." Fiona muttered, eyes trailing after her friend and rescuer. Once hearing silence in response to her statement, she turned and tilted her head at the sight of you two staring at her. "What?"

"Do you have a crush on naib?"

"Now why the fuck would I-"


Both girls immediately turned at the sound of your unholy screeching, staring at the hunter with wide eyes as he innocently walked into the room. "Oh my god..." Vera gasped, hands flying up to cup her mouth as her brows knitted together. "What is he wearing..."

The man in question wasn't wearing anything bad... at least technically speaking he wasn't. But god, that knights armour did not do him justice.

"He looks like he had a wedgie..." Fiona cringed, eyes trailing up and down his suit. When the man turned and caught sight of you three, smiles instantly planted on your lips, you and Fiona even gave him a friendly wave. But when he turned around to speak to William, the smiled instantly dropped.

"I feel so bad for him. I'd rather die than wear that thing but I guess he's already dead so he really had no choice."

"Vera don't be a bully." You frowned, even if you couldn't help but agree. "Maybe if he had looser leg wear? His skinny legs just aren't doing it for him in this one..."

Fiona gasped, both you and the perfumer turning to her as she slapped your shoulder. "He looks like robbie's trees!"

The three of you stood and blinked. Once, twice, thrice, and then a laughing fit ensued loudly as one leaned on the others for support and your arms hugged your stomach.

"He's like those telephone line poles!"



Though matches never stopped, they did grow increasingly uneventful and rather boring. Other than the few matches you'd have with Robbie, Vera, Patricia, Fiona and even Percy, there was nothing worth pointing out that would be at all that interesting.

Perhaps things had died down again to the same boring loop you had before meeting Norton - before dating Aesop.

"Morning." A cheery voice called out with the sound of the dining room chair beside you being pulled.

Looking up, you smiled at Mike - the acrobat sporting his favourite outfit; Mr Swift's. Seeing your tired grin, he chuckled and carefully took of his fancy blue hat - placing it on your head. "There. Looks cute on you!"

"As if." You snorted, sitting up straight to adjust it so it wouldn't fall off. "I kind of wanted to wear my outfit today too but I was too tired to go through with all the kimono steps alone."

"If you need help I could try helping you next time." He offered sweetly. "Just tell me and I'll-" stopping halfway, his eyes trailed to something past you and a smirk instantly creeped onto his face. "Oh? Hold on, I have a plan."

Watching him climb out his seat and steal his hat back from you, you sighed - not bothering to turn around and see what mischief he was up to this time. "Why do I feel like this is going to be bad for me?"

Because it was. And that was obvious when the acrobat ran back to his seat with an excited laughing fit; in his hands, a dark hat. "Here, put it on quick." He beamed, pushing the accessory atop your head.

You raised a brow and tried to grab the piece to look at it, but Mike stopped your wandering hands with a grin.

"Mike you asshole-"

Oh god. You thought; oh god no.

Now it made sense, for Mike would never smile that widely unless it had something to do with making you suffer. Well, you and Norton that is.

Turning slowly, Norton stood behind you in all his Black Tulip glory, an outfit you couldn't help but adore on him. "Oh, it's yours." You hummed, turning back to Mike just to shoot him a glare. "That makes more sense."

He refused to meet your gaze - something you weren't sure whether to be thankful about or not. "Yeah, sorry, I couldn't stop Mike before he took it." He most definitely sent the acrobat a glare of his own - to which the blonde merely whistled and looked away.

In the end, you did hand him back his hat, but he just stood there. Like, unmoving. It was honestly starting to freak you out, and he only talked after Mike snorted at him and looked away.

"Right, uh... y/n could we maybe talk..? Like after breakfast? Maybe before matches start?"

"I have first match so it's going to have to be quick." You frowned, finally looking up to lock eyes with him for the first time in what felt like forever - weeks maybe.

He nodded. "Ah, then maybe we can just talk after matches then."

"Sounds good." You nodded back, awkwardly looking away to fiddle with the fork in front of you.

Even after that, Norton still awkwardly stood beside you - both hands holding his hat and his body tilting from one side to the other as if unsure whether to walk away or stay. Mike snorted again, turning to his friend as if to save him of further embarrassment. "Dude, come sit down next to me." He pulled out the chair on his other side, Norton freezing before rushing over.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "I got anxious."

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