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[a/n: I know y'all basically hate me Rn but like... the Jose/Kevin/Demi story is going so fucking good. The way I'm foaming at the mouth for this book.]

When your eyes peeled open - cracking the crust that had grown over your lashes - Vera was the first one to greet you, her red lips pulling into a sweet, but tired smile. "Sweetheart." She cooed so softly it almost sounded distant. Her hand quickly landed on your hair with her thumb carefully soothing any part of your scalp she could reach. "I'm so glad... you're okay."

It was silent in the manor, or maybe the infirmary was just further away from the dining and living room - the two spots where the most noise would come from. Still, Emily, Verá, Fiona and Patricia would continue to keep you company during your first few waking days when your body was getting used to being conscious again and the stinging burns on your arms and face begun to die down.

Finally, when your voice found you again on your second day, you were able to speak again and form sentences with your three friends - albeit small ones.

"We were so worried." Patricia sighed, her hold on your hand was soft like feathers - lulling you into a drowsy state. "That's the first time any of us have been in such a critical state."

"I'm fine." You rasped, smiling at the three girls who only leaned on one another and smiled.

Fiona, who had been uncharacteristically silent, spoke up. "And your skin - how does it feel? Does it still burn?"

"Not as much. The creams Emily helps me put on really help."

"I see." She nodded.

For a moment you all sat in silence, atmosphere oddly tense - and despite the fact that when you spoke up again it was meant to ease the tension, it only worsened it.

"I just feel bad for Norton. I can imagine it hurt him."

Of course they couldn't tell you of what happened - of the way the only connection between you and the male was cut off in an instant with little to no remorse. How the universe had it out against you; starting with Michael, continuing with Aesop and topping it off with Norton. Your unluckiness continued to chase you down until the last stable thing in your life was ripped away from your caring hold.

Still, Vera knew that keeping it from you would only worsen it - so she let it down softly. "Norton he- he was alright." Taking a deep breath in - it was now or never. "Actually, y/n, there's something we have to tell you."

And so they told you, slowly letting down the news of your broken destiny and shattered man. And despite the fact you were laying on your back - face looking up at the roof - tears cascaded down your cheeks in a matter of seconds. Hiccups being mixed with broken sobs.

"Oh sugar." Patricia cooed, carefully dropping to lay an arm over your chest.

Moving to the other side, Vera leaned down and placed a comforting kiss on your temples - Fiona sitting by your legs and laying a hand over your own.

That night, the manor was uncharacteristically quiet.


Aesop couldn't say he didn't know the cause of the gloomy atmosphere; he knew far too well of the events that had transpired over the span of a week. He knew of Norton's broken heart, he knew of your tired soul and body that trudged down the halls with the help of the three female survivors that had attached themselves to you by the hip, he knew of the unlikely events of a body being damaged enough to do the last act of love towards its soulmate - the act of canceling the shared love in an attempt to protect them.

It was such a bittersweet concept - one he knew of far too well - the way you loved him enough to want to protect him. And though it didn't seem like a big deal, after all you could still love him without the law of soulmates, it was still depressing to know your certain destiny was burnt to the ground under the flames of a single red bomb. A sad accident.

His heart beat painfully against his ribcage; painfully beating for you. His eyes stung and his brows scrunched together, sadness coursing through his body after the news. He felt it - felt the pain of not only losing your first boyfriend, but now your soulmate, and he couldn't help but crack a little under the obvious facts.

Would this pain have been avoided had he only continued to be with you?

Maybe if he was still your boyfriend then this would be something to celebrate for - losing the one thing stopping him from having a completely natural relationship with you. Sure, he'd feel for Norton, but then Norton would also be free from these shackles, free to love as he pleases too.

But when he opens his eyes - alone in his room again - he realizes that was but a feeble fantasy. A stupid dream. For he messed up - not you, not Norton - he messed up.

He swallowed the lump of guilt that accumulated in his throat, the gulp going down painfully slow with a final struggle before finally going down. God, how he wanted to hold you now, promise things would be alright and tell you, truthfully, no matter what happens he would always be there. Loving you, supporting you, he would always be there no matter who you decided to love and who you decided to hate.

But was that such an absurd idea?

His eyes snapped open, staring down at his gloved hands. It wasn't far fetched - going to support you at your hardest times. It was something any decent person would do, right? Who cares if he's your ex, who cares if he still loves you with every cell in his body. Hell, you could use him right now to grieve - cry on him, punch him, use him in any which way your heart wishes - he would still love you all the same. Tenfold even.

Hitting him like a truck, this revelation opened his eyes to a new plan - a plan to make you feel better even if it's just a little. Right now he couldn't be the one you loved, that much he knew, but at the very least he wanted to be someone who would make you smile again.

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