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[a/n: ngl this entire chapter is inspired by 'equation' by Hans Zimmer. Bye :,( ]

Summer was ending, the days that were long and sunny becoming dull and what was once a garden full of pretty flowers and happy birds could be seen dying more and more with each passing day. The trees begun to transform into, what should be, a joyful yellow and orange - what should bring you joy for upcoming snow and celebrations of traditions, even if you didn't celebrate them. Instead, they were cold as you stared out at them with dark eyes from the safety of your bedroom window.

In comparison, Vera, Patricia and Fiona would try their absolute hardest to visit you every day and bring that little bit of light into your life, something you appreciated more than you let on. Some days they would bring cards to play, other days they would bring books to draw and doodle while laughing at Patricia's shit hand drawings, and other days you'd all just lay down and sleep in the arms of the other. Switching every other few minutes

Sometimes, and by sometimes I mean almost every second day, Mike would pop into your room with Victor - maybe even having dragged Andrew and Luca in with them. Not like either of them minded, it'd be a lie to say they didn't enjoy your company.

If you weren't in your room, you were probably visiting Robbie - holding his hand as he mindlessly led you through the hallways of the manor, rambling on and on about topics he found enough interest in to remember.

But if someone were to look long enough they'd see the way you'd smile nostalgically at him when you both finally settled on a random seat. The way your laugh seemed airy and tired. The way your walk seemed sluggish now. And they wouldn't be wrong - you were tired. Tired of what? That's still to be discovered, but did it matter when the corner of your eyes were almost always decorated with dried tears?

It was enough for Percy to frown from his seat at the dining table, placing his spoon down on his plate with a 'clink'.

Ann turned to the man with a smile, having just heard something from michiko which she wanted to share with him, but stopped when seeing his puzzled expression. "Hm? Percy what's wrong?"

"Y/n." He nodded to you. Playing with the food on your plate, you continued to sit oblivious to their worry. "They seem sad."

"Oh," she nodded as if remembering something. "Yes actually, didn't you hear about their soulmate?"

"Their soulmate?"

"Mike accidentally hit them with a bomb causing them to disconnect from Norton."

"That's horrible." He gasped, watching her as she nodded again.

"Truly a pity."

When night arrived and you found yourself staring at the chipped paint of your bedroom's roof, the last thing you expected to hear was a soft knock. Half thinking it was just your imagination, you froze, but upon hearing it again you quickly got up and opened it.

Percy stood at your door with a friendly smile, his body bent so his face wouldn't be blocked off by the doorway. "Hey, I'm sorry - did I wake you up?"

"No, no, you're fine." You reassured him. You weren't sleeping but you were most definitely tired.

"Great." He grinned. "Actually, I was just wondering if you wanted to come down to the common area with me. I'm having trouble sleeping and I thought we could keep each other company." That was a lie - he could sleep perfectly fine, actually.

You have a long, thoughtful hum before shrugging. "I don't see why not. If neither of us are going to sleep then sure."


Percy was a gentle giant - that's the best way you could describe him, really. When arriving to the common room he was quick to offer you the comfiest seat in the room, bringing you two of the fluffiest, softest blankets in the manor and offering to make you tea or something of the kind to drink.

When returning to the room with both drinks, yours being your favorite, he picked out two books from the small, wooden bookshelf and sat down to indulge in a comfortable silence with you - the only exception being the turning to old pages.

"When I was young," he started unexpectedly, and with his deep voice it almost scared you. "I fell in love with this boy who lived in my street."

Shutting the book you turned to him, giving him your full attention. Smiling, he continued; "We weren't neighbors but he lived no more than three houses down from mine. Every day after school we would meet up and play together - tag, football, hide and go seek, anything really." A smile grew on his lips as his eyes stuck to the page in his book. "When we entered high school, I realized I was in love with him. I didn't want him as just my friend. However, back then the idea of being with anyone other than your soulmate was almost considered a sin, much more being with someone of the same sex."

He stopped for a second, mind drifting back to those precious times of high school dramas. "But still, I could care less. I loved him and though we both had soulmates, I wanted him to know." He chuckled. "So I stepped closer to that danger line, telling him to meet me at the swing set of our neighborhood on a Saturday night. All so I could tell him how I felt."

Seeing his saddened eyes, you frowned. "And he didn't accept your feelings?"

Finally he looked up, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "And we kissed." He laughed - joyful and childishly. Your eyes widened and your lips tugged upwards. "That night we made the universe bend to our will, and we did the impossible. We fought and fought until we rewrote our destinies and became soulmates as well."

"Huh?!" You gasped, jumping at the idea of not only disconnecting from your own soulmate, but forming that bond with another.

"Let me tell you this y/n;" leaning in, he draped a hand over your head affectionately. "There is no single path in life. There will always be twists and turns and shortcuts, there will be changes and mishaps and accidents - and you will lose your soulmate, but that does not mean you can't get him back!"

"But how?" You frowned. "He won't even talk to me, he avoids me every chance he gets!"

Cooly, he shrugged. "If I can do it, anyone can. He's just being an idiot."

God, how right Percy was.

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