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[Warning: there are sexual references in this chapter. Not with Y/N, Aesop or Norton but with another three characters. I'll put a warning where the references start and when they end if you want to skip it.]

"And so, he told me everything. He told me of all his problems and-" you turned and looked at Aesop, stopping when seeing the relaxed face of the man. His breathing low and deep, with his eyes closed and expression neutral. An airy laugh left your lips as you carefully reached over to pull his hair out of his restricting pony tail - playing with the silver strands that framed his face.

This was good, you noted; whatever was happening outside of your relationship with Aesop no longer mattered. Norton didn't matter.

For now, so long as you could have this, things would be good.


The next morning you couldn't help but grimace getting out of bed - Aesop long gone, most likely to the kitchen to prepare breakfast as it was his turn to help out with the cooking.

Fixing your attire and heading out, you smiled at the sight of Patricia and Fiona walking towards you, both giggling at something they must have shared.

"Good morning honey comb!" Patricia cheered, the new nickname catching you by surprised.

You laughed and gave them a friendly wave. "Good morning you two. Are you heading down to the kitchen?"

Fiona nodded. "Yep, we're just getting Demi first. She's usually awake at this hour but we haven't found her downstairs."

You hummed before walking besides them, deciding to join them on the hunt for the bartender. "Does she have first match?"

"Yeah, with Jose, Helena and Eli." Patricia replied, turning a quick corner into one of the many dusty hallways of the manor. Knocking on the third wooden door, the sound of shuffling and quietened voices were heard before the door swung open.

Demi in all her glory stood before you three, her hair messy and her collared shirt looking more disorganized than usual. A nervous chuckle left her lips. "Well, what do we have here?" She slurred with her thick accent. You had always loved her accent - it made her seem unique in a way, and all the more attractive. "Good morning!"

"Hey sweet pea." Patricia smiled as she leaned on the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest. "Just checking in. You have a round first thing after breakfast."

"Yep! Sorry 'bout that, I didn't sleep too well last night - I'll be down in a jiffy!" She grinned, turning back to her room to close the door shut behind her.


Patricia scoffed with Fiona stifling some giggles behind her hand. The dark skinned woman turned and winked at you both. "Yeah, 'didn't sleep too well' my ass." She chuckled.

Turning to walk down to the kitchen, you caught up to the two and raised a curious brow. "What was that about? Why is Demi so nervous?"

Fiona turned and grinned, trying to bite back more laughter. "Yesterday I saw her sneak Jose and Kevin into her room. I thought nothing of it but apparently Kreacher heard thumping."

"You're joking." You gasped, bringing a hand up to your mouth. After a second, all three of you broke into laughter. "Cowgirl?"

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