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A/n: I'll be honest with yall. This book was so funny to me I put it off for months because it makes me sad we're nearing the end. But I figured other books of mine will be just as funny, especially idv and genshin ones so I might as well finish this one and get started on editing it.

"Well, that was definitely a close call for you, huh." Norton hummed as he scratched his cheek, inspecting the damage done to the outside of your room.

Unlike the day before, the day now sat unmoving and sunny, flowers bright and rehydrated after nature's war.

You shifted your weight from one hip to the other, crossing your arms over your chest. The wooden wall of the manor was now darker where the lightning had struck - and it surprised you, you hadn't thought it actually hit the house. "Thank you. Everyone is making jokes but I could've died."

"Well.." he snorted. "I wouldn't go that far, but yeah I get what you mean."

"Do you think there's any way we can fix it? I cant stand the smell of burnt wood." You sighed.

"Oh we can definitely fix it, but it'll take a few weeks at least." his arms crossing over one another comfortably. a sigh left his lips as the faint smell of cleaning supplies swept past his nose - cleaning sunday, he remember Emily had mentioned. "for the meantime you can stay in my room if you can't stand the smell."

you raised a brow at him suspiciously, scoffing at the thought of sharing a room with the prospector. this didn't fail to catch his attention, his lips pulling into an amused smile as he turned to you, arms uncrossing and hands resting at his hips. "you got a better idea for the meantime?"

"yeah, i'm sure fiona would love to have a roommate."

"and deal with her midnight ramblings about the otherworldly and inter-dimensions? up to you. it's either 12am weed addict talk or sharing a room with insufferable little me."

the choice was easy; fiona would make a lovely roommate.

passing your room was a soft humming of a familiar voice, you both turned to see fiona appear into the view of the doorway, a small brown rag doll in her right hand and a needle in her left. her eyes widened maniacally as she pushed the needle through the heart, smile widening and a soft, girlish chuckle leaving her lips. and as quickly as she appeared, she disappeared further down the hallway.

a moment of silence fell onto you and the prospector, staring at the spot the girl had once been.

you gulped, turning to the man. "so how are we gonna share the room?"

as if unfazed by the peculiar actions of the priestess, the prospector walked towards the door, waving you along with him. you followed without a second thought, falling into pace alongside his long strides.

"if you want you can have the bed. i can sleep on my couch."

"no way. i'm not gonna make you sleep uncomfortably in your own room Norton" you rolled your eyes.

he gave you a side glance but didn't react other than that. "if i get uncomfortable we can switch. every few nights we'll switch so it's fair."

having not paid attention, norton had lead you to his room, opening his heavy wooden door with one swift push and welcoming you in. his large metal hat quickly found rest on his wooden table next to books about crystals and mining and a single book about gardening that emma had gifted him once after she lost a bet - the story of how the girl had panicked not knowing what to give him a long, but cute one.

his room was smaller than yours but, in your opinion, much more cozy. while you lacked in interior design, norton knew how to organize the cluster of his belongings to give his room a rather comfortable and homey feeling. it reminded you of someone you couldn't quite shape or remember the feeling of.

a weight on your chest caused your hands to play with the fabric of your shirt, your eyes trailing down to norton's wooden floors where muddy shoe marks and dust bunnies decorated the floor - proof of poor cleanliness.

"you can bring some of your stuff to mine while we fix the wall. just so it doesn't get dirty with the reconstruction." the man sighed, moving some of his less personal belongings into his closet and cabinets.

finally he turned to look at you, picking his gloves off of his fingers. "that way you can also-  hey. hey, what's wrong?"

you looked up at the sound of his worried voice, confused at the sudden startle. you weren't crying, but you were shaking, your head felt light as if moving with a nonexistent breeze. "huh?"

he moved towards you quickly, grabbing onto your biceps firmly but never too strong. "you've turned pale. are you ok?" his brows furrowed tightly, looking into your eyes as if there'd be a clue of what was wrong.

none. you could only shake your head, temperature dropping and legs losing strength. "i... i don't know. i can't really breathe very well."

"you could be having a panic attack, come sit." he guided you so you'd fall on the bed, squeaking of metal springs making you fall further into the feeling. "stay here and breathe, i'm gonna run downstairs and get some water for you, ok? will you be okay?"

dry lips couldn't bring themselves to move, the only strength left in you being wasted in trying to get air in and out of your lungs at an appropriate speed. "some... mike..." you breathed out. muttering mindlessly.

norton frowned, leaning closer. "what? what's wrong, what are you trying to say?"


"mike? you want me to get mike for you?" he leaned back, cupping his hands over his mouth and turning towards his still open door. "MIKE!"

you reached a hand to his, grabbing his attention as he turned to you,  looking down at you worriedly. "let me go get you some water. please just breathe-"

"mike... michael... michael."

"michael?" he quizzed.

"michael..." you breathed, your eyes drying out and vision darkening. "where is... mi..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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