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[a/n: I'm horrible. I was writing the Naib story yesterday and stopped midway like. Mmm... ganji x reader 👁👁 i have like 20 unfinished stories yall. Anyway, not much Norton nor Aesop, mostly just a match and meeting Percy.]

In the library, as expected, sat Norton on one of the many velvet seats. Seats with wooden carvings painted in gold and rich coloured cushions to give the illusion that you lived in nothing less of a rich place. Still, despite how cheap they were, those seats were some of the most comfortable seats the manor had to offer, and you were grateful for them.

"Norton. You wanted to speak to me?"

Surprised, the prospector looked up from the old book that laid in his grasp. Your sudden confident tone had surprised him, but he was glad to see you had agreed to come willingly. (Even if it was with two girls who did an awful job at hiding behind the door.) Closing the book, he stood and walked towards you, staring at you with an unreadable expression.

"I heard about what happened; with you and Aesop." He hummed.

You scoffed and walked past him, taking a seat on the chair he had been sat on. "You must be over the moon. So what now? You'll propose to me?"

He furrowed his brows but decided against getting upset at your words - he knew you were hurting right now, he couldn't blame you for becoming hostile. "No, actually, I just wanted to see if you were okay. If you needed someone to talk to." He explained, turning to give a side glance to your two friends who, upon seeing the prospector look at them, jumped and rushed back to their hiding place. "But it seems Vera and Patricia have been keeping you company."

Laying an arm on the armrest of the seat, you placed your head on the palm of your hand. "Yeah, well I've got enough help as it is. No offence but I don't think you, out of all people, could help me."

"I understand." He nodded, watching you stand from the seat and begin to walk out. However just once passing him, he reached out and grabbed your arm. "I know you don't like me, even less now that I'm the reason you broke up, but please know I'm still here for you. I- I care about you."

You didn't reply, didn't even turn back to look at him. With your gaze locked on the ground ahead of you, you nodded, snatching your arm back and walking out fully to meet with your two friends.

Vera turned to the library doors curiously but rushed to meet with you, walking beside you. "What was that about?"

You shrugged. "He said he cared about me and that if I needed someone to talk to that he would be there for me."

"And did you tell him?" Patricia questioned, walking on your side opposite to Vera. "About Aesop."

"He already knew."

Vera sighed, shaking her head. "Aesop probably told him. I honestly don't even know what's going on with him anymore."

"Me neither." Patricia frowned, turning away from you two to look ahead. "All I know is that those two are stupid and definitely don't deserve our precious y/n."

With an amused snort, you turned to argue with the enchantress, but were quickly interrupted by the light skinned girl on your other side. "I second that!"

"Honestly, let's just become a poly relationship." Patricia playfully suggested, waving her hand around.

Vera gasped dramatically. "What a great idea! I call dibs on being big spoon!"

You opened your mouth, whether to laugh, play along or retaliate? You weren't sure. But again, we're interrupted as two strong arms wrapped around your shoulder and a plush body fell onto your back. "I call little spoon!" Fiona grinned, her forehead lined with a slick layer of sweat making you cringe.

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