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[A/n: Like three days after getting 10k reads we now got 11k. Living, laughing, loving so hard right now <3]

Norton was awkward that night, it was clear as day with the way he avoided your gaze and would busy himself with striking up a conversation with Mike whenever your eyes met. The acrobat would raise a suspicious brow at the man, but upon seeing your curious head tilt - he only laughed and allowed Norton to humor himself with a pointless conversation about how good Coca Cola tasted with sushi. (And incredibly random conversation topic, if you asked him.)

"Hey y/n, I have a question." Vera's voice rang out as you snapped your eyes away from the two men - turning to her who looked down at a golden bracelet that hugged her slim wrist. "Looking at this in perspective; would someone be considered evil for putting glue in hair gel?"

Staring at the woman, you blinked. Once, twice, thrice. "Vera why the fuck is there glue in hair gel?"

"...don't worry about it."


"No im genuinely concerned right now, is there something I should know?"

The perfumer went to answer, however by the sound of the garden doors being slammed open by an absolutely fuming Naib. A gasp escaped her lips, and it would take a blind man to see how his hair stuck out in different directions and bumps beneath his green hood.



You couldnt believe Vera's last words were to tease the mercenary as she stood and bolted it into the cover of the surrounding woods. The male hot on her trail shouting nothing but profanities at her back.

Staring at the spot they disappeared into, the dragging of the two plastic chairs beside you caught your attention as Patricia and Fiona came into view - Eli following Fiona before claiming the last seat.

Patricia chuckled and shook her head. "She actually did it?"

"Did what?" You furrowed your brows in confusion. Fiona grinned and bounced a bit in her seat.

"I dared her to give Naib glue for his hair after he danced in front of my chair the other day for getting terror shocked. Guess he didn't like our prank too much."

"Serves him right." Patricia mused, crossing her arms and leaning back on her chair. She shared an amused grin with Eli who quickly spoke up.

"He's alright, I would just appreciate it if he actually used the owls I sent him while kiting instead of running away when the hunter nears him."

"Him and his stupid elbow pads. I should ask Joseph to terror shock him." Patricia chortled as she rolled her eyes.

It was all in good fun though, as you all more than loved your short rescuer. "Hashtag protect naib." You muttered, shaking your head at them as they laughed at your remark.

Eventually the three dispersed to go enjoy the events of the day - Eli disappearing to grab food and both girls making a bee line to the dance floor just to show off their awesome dance moves again. Evidently, when left alone (and almost as if you were but a magnet for people) a familiar blonde had claimed the seat across from yours.

"Well hello there."

"Victor." You grinned, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table. "It's been so long, how are you sweetheart?"

"Good, good." He nodded, gaze drifting away to the lanterns before snapping back to you. "How about you? How have you been holding up lately?"

"Admittedly better than two weeks ago." You replied. Nails mindlessly licking at the chipped plastic of the table. "I'm thankful for everyone helping me."

"Has he talked to you since?"

You tilted your head. "Who?"

"Aesop." Came his reply, your lips pulling into a frown when hearing the name. "I don't know if you wanna hear this now but; I was one of your biggest rooters. Your relationship was admirable."

Subconsciously your head nodded. "Yeah, well times change."

A hum was heard from him as he tilted his head. "Again, I don't know if you wanna hear this and I'm more than aware this isn't any of my business, but maybe talking to him won't hurt?" He offered. When seeing your face scrunch up into that of a grimace, he laughed and continued. "This may be the first time I've fallen in love with someone, sure, but I grew up around enough people in love to know what it looks like when someone stares at someone they love; and Aesop? He's definitely a lovesick puppy."

"That's a weird way to word it."

"It's true!" He laughed, scrunching his eyes shut. "He looks like my dog when I accidentally stepped on his paw - so sad and lonely-"

"Okay, okay, I get it." You groaned, raising your hands to rub your temples. "Still doesn't change the fact he probably has a valid reason to have broken up with me."

He shrugged. "Who knows, people do stupid stuff when they're upset or in love. Have you ever thought of what that reason could be?"

"He fell out of love?"


"Touché." He laughed as you continued. "Well he said he didn't want to be the man to steal someone's soulmate, which I understand, but it's also unfair on my behalf dont you think?"

"Well it's an admirable reason but yes, not very considerate."

"Then do you think he-"

"Well hello you two~!" Both you and the postman abruptly turned to the new voice, staring wide eyed at the mischievous grin of the acrobat. "How are we doing on this fine evening? The weather is quite favorable, wouldn't you two agree?"

"Mike." You quirked a brow. "Why are you speaking like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like an old man."

His grin fell as a deadpan took over his features. "That was so fucking rude, goodbye."

"No wait!" You laughed, reaching out to grab his wrist and pull him to a free chair. "Join us."

Victor gave you an uncertain look - one you only shook your head to as the acrobat sat down on the seat. Truly, you were only glad to have a reason to stop talking about the embalmer, however, once Mike opened his mouth and voiced his thoughts - you couldn't help but sigh.

"So, what's the tea with you and Norton?"

Maybe you would've preferred talking about Aesop some more.

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