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[a/n: y'all.. I might as well be y/n with this guy. We're playing idv today and he suggested we buy Emil and Ada, pls <333 is this love???]

The fourth day of the seven day event was when things seemed to take a turn. For the better or for worse, you honestly didn't know. Needless to say, you were thankful that the situation was much less awkward than it could've been.

Miss nightingale had a nasty habit of photographing manor members when they got new skins; often leading to amazing shoots of their skins and events. (Your personal favourite being when Margaretha got her 'animal tamer' skin.) and though these shoots were often filled with laughter and lighthearted fun - your shoot with Norton and Aesop was something you would have preferred to skip.

"Okay good, good." The bird-like woman nodded. You really only saw her once or twice a month, but she seemed to treat you all like old friends of hers whenever she did visit. "Aesop, hold the lantern closer to your face, dear."

Thankfully there were no intimate poses involved, rather being settled to stand beside each other and hold lanterns. However just being beside the embalmer made you shift around and itch all over - and from the corner of your eye, you could tell he was no different.

Doing as told, the light of the lantern lit up his pretty features. "Like this?"


Another ten minutes went by. Fifteen, twenty and only by half an hour she gifted you three a break to instead go photograph the surrounding stalls and decorations. You sat on one of the many coke tables, crossing your arms over the table before resting your head on them with a groan.

After a minute, the chair beside you was pulled and you just barely got a glimpse of the familiar shoes of the prospector. Preparing yourself for his pointless rambling - that you had little to no energy to deal with at that moment. However, instead of hearing him speak up, a warm hand was placed on the area of your back just between your shoulders - the palm moving in soothing circles as he hummed softly.

He said nothing, which was highly uncharacteristic of him, but it quickly became one of your favorite, most comforting moments with the man.

You could feel a headache starting to form.


After those photos there was very limited interaction between you and the two boys - instead opting to excuse yourself and head to your room for some rest. Perhaps the past few sleepless nights were finally catching up to you as you dragged your feet through the dark flooring of the building.

Still no matter how much you were suffering, the universe had a prominent hate towards you - this being obvious when Norton's voice called out. Turning, you watched as he jogged over to you from the door leading to the backyard.

"Hey." He smiled softly, voice now low and quiet which you couldn't have been more thankful for with your headache.

You nodded, but said nothing. Prompting him to continue the conversation himself. "You looked sorta sick so I wanted to make sure you got to your room without passing out."

"You underestimate me." Was your simple reply - to which he chuckled.

"It's not underestimating; it's caring."

Half expecting yet another dismissing reply or witty comeback, Norton was more than surprised when you simply looked away from him and continued walking to your room. Finding it more than odd, he quickly caught up to you and adopted a rhythmic pase beside you.

"Everything alright? You've been quiet today."

"I'm just feeling a bit sick."

"Are you sure it's nothing else?" He continued to push. Despite wanting to be angry at him for picking into a matter that did not need him - his worried look could do wonders as your scowling face softened and a sigh left your lips.

"Really, I'm fine. I just need to rest." You had never been more thankful to see your room door. Opening it, walking in and going to close it but being stopped by the foot of the prospector.

He peeked his head in, looking at you with downcasted eyes. "You do know that if you ever need me, I'll always be here for you, right?"

The hesitance in your voice did not go unnoticed as you nodded. "Yes, I know."

"Then why aren't you letting me help you now?"

Your body leaned on the cool carvings of the door, eyes trailing down to the floor. "I don't need help. Thank you, I know you're trying to care for me, but right now I just need to rest."

"Let me take care of you."

With a shudder, your body froze, eyes snapping up to meet his own with a quirked brow. "Excuse me?"

Not once did his face lose the serious look he held. "Let me help you feel better. You haven't been sleeping well lately, right? I can hear you heading down to the kitchen every night around four."

It was true - you knew it was true. You also knew the cause of your sleepless nights; for you had not gotten a blink of rest before dating Aesop, and now you lay restless at night without the embalmer again. You had become used to the warm presence of another at night - something warm that would chase the coldness of nightmares away. Something that felt safe and would anchor you down when your past tried to creep back into your present and take over your life again just as it had all those years ago.

But now Norton was offering himself to you, seeming to know more than enough to fix your little sleepless issue.

Slowly, he pushed on the door, seeing the hand you had used to hold it against him now fall limp to your side. Softly shutting it behind him, he carefully allowed his hands to touch your skin - the arms at most for he couldn't dare the idea of making you uncomfortable. Though to his surprise, your eyes scrunched up and tears began to rush down your cheeks - both from the overwhelming amount of emotions you had yet to properly acknowledge and the splitting pain in your head.

But he caught you as you broke. Wrapping his arms under your own and catching you as you fell into his chest - his face finding refuge in the top of your head, lips softly kissing the hair and skin that burned under his tender touches.

It felt so wrong - something so innocent - and you felt another urge to cry; out of guilt this time. Guilt that you had not been enough for Aesop, guilt that you had been rude to your soulmate, guilt that you couldn't keep your promise and wait for Aesop to return to you. Guilt that you promised yourself not to break to easily in the arms of another.

But he felt so warm and safe as he lead you to your bed, carefully laying you beneath the bed sheets before climbing in himself.

Nothing happened that night - you only hugged him and hid from the pain inside his hold. But the guilt that ate away at you was insane. The guilt that you could feel yourself healing in the love of someone who was not Aesop.

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