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[a/n: ok so before you read this chapter let's take a moment to take a deep breath in, and out. Let's be level-headed and learn how to be civilized with this well because I know damn well vcranair and 6-32AM are gonna come for me so fucking hard. I love y'all, stay safe 😰😰]

"Home wrecker!"

"Soulmate stealing fucker!"


The words kept on coming and slicing through your thin layer of skin like knife, puncturing your lungs and piercing your heart as you tried to make your way towards your classroom. The class was... significantly smaller, and understandably so after the 'news'.

Were you really to blame though? Michael's mother falling in love with you after her husband could not satisfy her.

You rejected her, you really did! Let her down softly letting her know you did not hold any feelings of the sort towards her - but that seemed to only anger her, responding by opening her mouth and spilling lie after lie about how you tried to seduce her and convince her to cheat on her oh-so beloved husband.

So far, you could successfully ignore the rude shouts of parents and glares as you walked around the school. You could ignore the Facebook posts and pages being made against you after news of the divorce between Michael's parents got out. You could ignore the cyber bullying and the harassment - you could, because when you stood in front of your class of students who held gazes filled with pure innocence and naivety, everything felt alright.

That of course was short lived - appreciated until the sound of the principal's knuckles knocked against your door and you were called out.

Beside him stood a young man with a kind smile, but it was forced, you noticed almost immediately with the way his shoulders tensed at your presence.

"Y/n, meet Thomas Johnson."

"Nice to meet you." You nodded kindly, to which he breathed a huff of friendly amusement.


"Thomas here will be substituting your spot for the next few weeks - until things calm down, you see." The principal explained, completely ignoring your friendly attempts with the younger male. Your brows scrunched together as you listened to him continue. "Right now we are losing a concerning amount of students due to the allegations against you - we are worried more will be transferred if we do not act now."

"But you know they're just stupid lies from a woman who couldn't take 'no' for an answer, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware, but that will not convince the stubborn. So for now let's play it safe, yeah? Take a break - go on vacation, spend time with your new..." his eyes trailed up lazily and met your own almost accusingly, and at that moment you realized even your boss was against you. "Son.."

It was only meant to be a few weeks, a few weeks for news to die down and parents to get their shit together and realize all these accusations were nothing but a pitiful attempt at getting revenge. But weeks turned into a month, months and what once was 'paid leave' now turned into getting an email announcing your leave from the school.

By the end of the three months, you were left jobless with a ruined reputation due to nothing but a lying tongue.

"Are you okay?"

Ah, but you had Michael - the light at the end of your tunnel.

It was late but he was awake and beside your wooden table as he rubbed his eyes. The only source of light was that of the bright white on your laptop, but it still seemed to bright for him as his eyes squinted when looking up at you.

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