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[A/N: I honestky realized that I need genuine help. Like a lot. I'm sorry about this short vent but my life has been going completely down hill and I've been using writing as a coping mechanism but I'm completely alone. I'm always so happy to see people comment whether it be jokes or saying how they like my stories. It literally makes my day to see notifications from you guys.]

"Y/n! Hello!"

The weekend had arrived in a flash, both survivors and hunters thankful for the break from matches they would be grazed with. And though many preferred to sleep in on their early Saturday morning - Luca had gone to wake you, and Aesop up at the crack of dawn to get started on his invention.

As you and the silver haired male dragged your feet into his room, you couldn't help but regret offering your help. Still, you smiled at the boy and grabbed onto the gloves hand of Aesop - giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Good morning Luca, how did you sleep?" The silver haired boy asked sweetly, stifling a yawn behind his mask.

The brunette chuckled as he messed with some gadgets on his work table - moving and adjusting them to make more open space. "Great! I slept like a baby, woke up about an hour ago!"

"An hour ago?" You gasped, looking at the rusty clock that hung on the wall. "Luca, you woke up at six? On your day off?"

"Yep! The sooner I start working the better! Now - you two can work on this table, I'll go down to the shed and get some extra tools."

He explained everything quickly, seeming to stumble over his words. Much slower than him, in comparison, you and Aesop took a seat on the two wooden stools beside his desk, picking up some of the smaller gadgets to examine closely. "So," Aesop started, inspecting a box shaped invention with a switch. "What exactly do you want us to do with these?"

"Connect them!" Luca grinned, placing his hands on his hips. "You see; these pieces are all supposed to connect and become a sort of computer."

"Ah, I see." You nodded, spotting the piece that was supposed to be the large screen. "So the programming?"

"And the wiring!" The inventor nodded. "You see - I can do basic wiring but this computer has a lot more complex wiring. I could do it by myself but it would take me a lot longer. Three heads are better than one, right?" He finished off with a laugh, excusing himself as he ran out the room to get the spare tools.

You snickered and turned to Aesop, who's face turned from a concentrated look on a gadget to look up at you - eyes wide and amused. "You're going to have to talk me through a few things."


By three in the afternoon, Luca had called it a day. You had all made some good progress on his invention - pulling some pieces together until you now only had to work on connecting five large pieces and finish it off with the programming.

Unlike when you had arrived to his room, you and Aesop left energetic with all tiredness gone. His hand once again intertwined with yours as the three of you made your way towards the kitchen for a much needed snack. On the way, the brunette beside you both had spotted his two soulmates - cheering as he ran over to embrace them, completely forgetting about you and Aesop. Still, you both smiled and let him off to enjoy the rest of his day with them.

"You know, I never realized how many talents you have." Aesop commented as he opened the pantry, grabbing a packet of chips.

You tilted your head, grabbing a piece when he opened the bag. "Talents?"

"Yeah." He hummed. "Wiring? Programming? Who knew I was lucky enough to love someone so smart." He smiled, pulling his mask off and stuffing two chips in his mouth.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "You give me too much credit. It's basic knowledge honestly."

"Basic knowledge?" He scoffed. "What are you; Albert Einstein?"

"Albert Einstein was an icon, don't insult him like that." You mused, standing to walk off to the fridge. Grabbing some drinks, you turned back to Aesop, handing him one. "Plus, you learn that type of stuff in school programs. It's not forbidden knowledge that I sold my soul to learn."

He hummed, opening the drink to take a sip. "I wouldn't know; I didn't really go to school."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"No, no. It's okay." He laughed, waving you off. "I dropped out to help with the rent and stuff, it's kind of like - my villain origin story."

You snorted. "Don't say that."

"It's true!"

"Say." You mused. "Did you ever like - want to finish your education? If you're comfortable answering that."

"Hm. Well, I got bullied a lot and struggled, but yeah. Yeah, I wanted to finish my schooling." He nodded, turning to look at you. Once spotting the wide, childish grin on your lips, he quirked a brow. "What?"

"Aesop Im a teacher. I can teach you things!"


"What did you wanna learn? Science? Maths? Maybe English?"

"Woah, hold on-"

"I didn't get to teach English advanced but I took classes to teach it, I came here before I got a class-"

Aesop's laughter quickly, finally cut you off. Your voice halting as you turned to him. "I'd love for you to teach me." He smiled. "You seem very passionate about this so please; give me some classes, teach."

You stared at the male with wide eyes, heart swelling with happiness and adoration. After a minute of just staring at him, you cooed. "You're so pretty without your mask!"

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