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[a/n: yall... I don't like to depend on romantic relations bc they have sucked ass for me in the past and I don't wanna disappoint myself again,,, but,,,, someone called me their precious Norton in a match the other day and I <33333 anyway, gonna cave in and just post the Kevin story bc why not have 38 unfinished, published stories by now.]

Standing out in the yard, waiting for Norton and his promised popsicles, you got to notice the rolling in clouds of a possible later shower. Though time seemed slow and days dragged on, there was no denying that warmer days were coming to an end and colder ones would begin. You couldn't exactly complain, but you'd miss warm breeze and sunny weekends.

But snow was never horrible, especially in the manor. Perhaps winter seasons were never enjoyable during your life outside because there was truly no one to spend it with other than your classes - everyday from nine to three, until they would return home to their own families and you'd yet again be left to face the nipping winds and freezing rains alone. Now, however, winter would be spent with the members at the manor; Fiona, Patricia, Vera, Mike, Victor, Luca, Robbie and even Norton would be sure to make colder months bearable.

Your train of thought was brought to an abrupt stop when the door behind you creaked open, eyes snapping back to greet Norton, but only groaning when spotting Aesop.

"I'm starting to see a pattern here." You grumbled, causing the embalmer to quirk a brow.

"How so?"

"Well, when I'm waiting for one of you, the other one shows up first. When I want to confront one, the other is there. I'm starting to think you're both planning these encounters out."

He chuckled quietly, shoulders bouncing as he walked over to stand beside you. "If it makes you feel any more at ease, I didn't come with the intentions to pursue mutual feelings."

"That made no sense-"

"I'm here to apologise." He finalised, digging his hands into the pockets of his pants. You stopped and gave him a side glance, but said nothing, allowing him to take full control and responsibility for what had happened. "I know what I did was stupid, and it would be even more stupid to forgive and forget just like that. However, that doesn't make the fact that I'm truly sorry any less valuable."

Taking a shaky breath in, he continued; "You were the closest person I had to true love. Someone who truly felt like they cared for me unconditionally, despite not being my soulmate, you treated me as if we were. Thank you, and I'm sorry."

You fiddled with your fingers, pulling and curling them, cracking one or two before mindlessly twisting the skin lightly. What you had with Aesop, the feeling you had for him, would linger - they would linger now and would linger for a long time. But they were like a flickering candle; warm and existing, but slowly growing smaller - weaker. Norton was beginning to outshine Aesop - something you weren't sure whether to be happy or sad about.

"I... I, uh, accept your apology."

"Really?" His eyes widened as he looked at you, heart beat quickening.

Seeing this, you sighed. "But don't get your hopes up! We can be friends but Norton and I are happy right now, let us have this."

There was something that sparked in his eyes - maybe sadness? Disappointment? Humour? Maybe even hope for all you knew. Still, he smiled, cheeks puffing up. "Of course, thank you."

You nodded at him, awkwardly looking away and instead towards the dense forest surrounding the manor. He cleared his throat and shuffled on his feet a little. "Well, I'll be heading back in now - Eli and I have to visit the hunter side."

"Ah, right. Alright, take care then." You nodded again, waving him a goodbye as he Walked towards the door.

Before fully disappearing, he turned and gave you a final smile. "Goodnight, sleep well."

"You too Aesop."

And with that he was gone. But you knew better than to look away from the door that slowly swung shut - and for good reason too, as not even ten seconds later it was swung open again with Norton walking in, two cold treats in his hand.

"I knew it." You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you grabbed the offered popsicle. "You're so nosy."

"Nosy?!" He scoffed in disbelief. "Where did that come from?!"

"You truly think I'm stupid enough to believe it would take you that long to get these?"

"I was trying not to get killed by Naib!"

You laughed, elbowing his side softly. "Don't lie! You were eavesdropping!"

His body stiffened and his playful smile immediately turned stiff. His eyes snapped to his left awkwardly before a forced laugh found its way out from his throat. "Okay but in my defence! I was only making sure he didn't overstep a line!"

Tasting the stolen treat, You hummed gleefully - deciding not to give him the energy and attention you knew he wanted. "Mhm, whatever you say Nort."

"'Nort'?" Immediately he parroted, his attention now long gone from his own popsicle as he turned to you fully. His brows were raised in surprise but immediately lowered with a cocky smirk at the new name. "Oh? Getting comfortable now?"

"Norton we literally cuddled before-"

"If you can call me Nort then can I have a nickname for you too?" Of course he ignored you - fingers tapping his chin in false thought. You frowned, watching as he clicked his fingers. "Ah... wait never mind. I was going to call you 'teach' but everyone calls you that already.."

"Wow." You deadpanned, turning back to savour some more of your treat. "How original."

"Hey!" As he begun to go in to defend himself, his body froze and his eyes widened. "Oh! What about mi amor?"

"Mi amor? You mean you want to call me 'your love', really?"

"I'm trying to be romantic here."

"Well it's not working."

Pouting, he raised his chin in offence. "I should just call you the devil."

"Alright." You shrugged, taking the last few bits of your popsicle before turning to him. "I'll call you the angle."

"The angle? Isn't it supposed to be angel?"

"No. Angle."

Giving him a minute to process your words, you watched as his eyes focused and unfocused on your face - your eyes trailing from his own face to his hand where his popsicle lay untouched.

Your brows furrowed at the running liquid that dripped from the ice down to his hand before falling to the grass below. "Norton- you-" Too late. By the time he snapped back to reality and turned to what you had been staring at so intensely, the treat had already slipped off the wooden stick and toppled onto the floor with a soft splat.


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