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[a/n: horrible news; I caved in and started making another idv story. Honestly?? Proud asf about it ngl. Kevin/Demi/Jose x reader??? Do you realise how hot that is??? BUT YALL WOULD LOVE IT I JUST KNOW YALL WOULD. Tbh might make a chapter here later on to show y'all the stories and a bit on how they're going/what they're about cause I get too excited sorry.]

"Thank you Norton. I think it's about time I start letting my guard down around you." You sighed, being careful of the boy that continued to sleep soundly in your arms. The music was only getting louder, and you considered taking him to his bed for the night.

He shrugged, leaning back into his seat. "It's not your fault. I should've been nicer to you."

"Yeah, you should have." You joked, pushing his buttons as he turned to give you a playful glare.

"Do you want something to eat?" He offered after a quiet second, you noted the fact he had been eyeing a tokoyaki stall nearby. "I can go get us something to share. Want a drink?"

"I don't really get a choice to say no, do I?"

He smirked. "Nah, think of this as a date."

"Where you don't spend any money on me? Do you think I come for free?" You quirked a brow.

His eyes widened and he raised his hands in defence. "I'll have you know I'm completely poor. I don't even have money to spend on myself."

Shaking your head you chuckled, standing from the plastic seat. "I'll let it slide this once. Let me go take Robbie to his room though, I'll meet you back here in a minute."

"Sounds good."

WARNING: there is a slight sexual mention in this paragraph. Again, not with Norton, Aesop nor y/n.

Returning from the boy's room, you smiled at the sight of Norton watching Patricia and Fiona dancing. They had somehow managed to get their hands on the music player and put on some cumbia, resulting in the two completely intertwined within one another. Maybe it was the alcohol you were sure they had drunk (judging by the laughing Vera a few tables away with way too many empty bottles of beer around her) but the sexual tension between the two was ridiculous.


"Oh god." You laughed, claiming your seat once more. The prospector turned to you with an amused grin before turning to your two friends again - Patricia swinging the priestess in the air in some sort of professional tango dance move you had only seen once in those dance competitions on TV.

He smiled wider, reaching over to grab a piece of the octopus from the cardboard box in the middle of the table. "I'm scared they're gonna break a bone."

"Patricia is a lot stronger than she looks, but I had no idea Fiona could bend like that." You laughed, gasping when the enchantress grunted and threw the priestess in the air - Fiona twirling mid air before falling into the arms of her friend again.

The manor was nothing but a crack house full of crazy people really. And your friends were the worst.

"They've got talent though." The man sighed in amusement, finally tearing his eyes away from them to look at you.

You returned the look and nodded, grabbing the drink he had gotten you to take a sip. "I gotta ask Patricia to teach me how to dance like that."

He hummed. "I'll take the spot of Fiona then. You can throw me around."

"I can't promise I'll catch you, I don't think I'm strong enough."

He raised the bottle of beer he had gotten himself up to his lips, taking a sip. "Even if you were strong enough, I think you'd willingly drop me without a second thought."

"You're so right!"

Laughing, the man's eyes widened as he covered his mouth to avoid spitting out his drink - but with you laughing at his terrified expression, he almost spat it out all over the table.

"You're so cruel to me L/n." He gasped.

You grinned, resting your elbows on the table to place your head in the palm of your hands. "Abs yet you still love me."

"Well yeah. I thought we already established that." He looked away, watching Fiona and Patricia finally walk back to their seats besides Vera. His eyes locked with the perfumer's who held an emotionless expression as she brought up two fingers - pointing to her eyes before switching them to point straight towards him.

He shivered.

"Well yeah," you rolled your eyes. "But it's still funny to bully you. Don't you think?"

"I don't think I like being bullied so; no."

A smile pulled on your lips, carefree and entertained as you listened to the music change from one to the next - another Spanish song. Your leg bounced rhythmically to the beat, your hand patting your thigh with each patterned drum beat.

Norton must have taken noticed as he tilted his head. "Do you wanna dance?"

Turning to him, you shook your head. "I don't know how to dance to these types of songs. I'll bring dishonour to the salsa gods."

He grinned and stood, offering you a hand to which you narrowed your eyes at. "Good thing I know how to dance then."

"And you think that just because you know then I'll go embarrass myself? No thanks-"

"Oh come on!" He laughed. "Can you just let me have one romantic moment out of a cheesy romance film?"

"And allow myself to trip on my own feet?! This isn't even a Spanish event, it's literally a Japanese tradition!"

He rolled his eyes, ignoring your last statement. "In Hispanic culture; if the man can lead the dance, his partner doesn't need to worry about knowing how to dance. Just trust me for once."

"Last time I trusted you I got tackled to the ground on a match against Joseph."


"Okay, okay." You laughed, waving at him before placing your hand in his. "Just please don't let me embarrass myself."

He smirked, pulling you towards the dance floor beside an excited Luca and Victor who both smiled at you as they danced around with no proper rhythm. "You do a good job of that on your own already."

"Keep that up and I'm leaving."


You would hate yourself to admit it, but Norton was an amazing dance partner.

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