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[a/n: I love making Fiona a literal himbo in this story.]

Norton had promised a safe haven in his hold - a place for you to run into and hide from the world no matter what time of day it was.

Despite the tempting offer, you held back from seeking out his intimacy again - the lingering touches he left on your arms, face and back that night still tingling and burning even as two nights had passed and the seventh - and final - day of the event rolled around. There were promises of grand events that night - Michiko giving a traditional geisha dance with Antonio playing the music for her. It was an amazing mix of cultures with the traditional Japanese but western violin song. Despite the differences, it fit perfectly and the Japanese spirit was left with a wide grin at the cheering and clapping of her surrounding friends.

But still, even late into the night as most if not everyone had gone back inside the manor to head to rest, your mind strayed and stuck to the familiar raven haired man like glue.

You had gotten ahead of yourself - you knew too well despite how much he reassured you that he never felt uncomfortable. Being lost in your feelings and a half-drowsy brain, you held onto him so tightly and shivered in his chest despite the warmth his body emitted.

You hugged him. You cuddled. He had spent the night in your room and had rushed off in the morning before anyone else woke up - but not before placing a kiss on your temples. One which your tired mind could not register in time.

And he had left, leaving you to sleep in before Vera and Fiona burst into your room to help you get ready for the last day of the lantern festival.

Still; he had promised refuge. And no matter how big your pride was and how stubborn you were - that night you found yourself at the foot of his door when you were certain everyone else was out cold. Softly, you knocked three times and waited - almost offended when he opened the door and immediately stepped to the side, gesturing for you to enter.

It's as if he had been expecting you, but really, you couldn't blame him. That rest was the best sleep you had gotten in weeks - months! It was only natural you'd take advantage of his intimacy one more time.

Yet you're almost ashamed to say that 'one more time' turned into two. Then three, then four. So forth that by the time the first week together finished and matches left you both tattered and bruised - bodies matching with purple blotches and red streaks - Norton had picked up a habit of just waiting for you in bed; an arm draped over his eyes with the other stretched out over your half of his accommodation. Youd hesitate before laying your head on his outstretched arm, refusing to meet his gaze as he silently leaned over you to turn off the light and hold you tighter.

It had gotten so intimate so quickly - so much so that Vera and Patricia had quickly begun to question the change of demeanor of the prospector.

"He's just not messing with you anymore. I barely see him even glancing at you now!" The perfumer fumed as she pinched her chin in thought.

The four of you had agreed to meet up in the living room for a game of cards as the evening became night - and the simple match had quickly turned into yet another rambling session of your soulmate; much to your dismay.

"So what? This is what I wanted to begin with. If he's ignoring me, let him."

Your friendship with the three girls was something incredibly strong and surprisingly stable given the circumstances of you mental states and manor lives. But that does not mean you're prone to picking fights ever so rarely - now being a perfect time.

The perfumer made a shock faces and dropped the hand holding her cards. "What do you mean 'so what?'" She mocked. "He's your soulmate! I would've expected him to try some more now that Aesop is out of the way!"

"Weren't you the one who told me to stop thinking about them? Why is this a problem?" Your eyes rolled before landing on Fiona who quickly looked away awkwardly.

"Well yeah but that doesn't mean he can stop chasing after you! I still want you to be happy!"

"And I am happy!" That was a lie. "If I don't end up with either Aesop or Norton then I'll be happy so long as we're friends!"

"But you don't mean that. Do you?" Was Vera's snark reply.

Your brows knitted together in disbelief, not understanding where this sudden outburst even appeared from. Sure, you were to blame for their involvement in your love life after your countless vents - but that never meant she was ever really this concerned over it. If anything; she seemed sort of distant with the idea of soulmates in general, never really suggesting anything to actually help with soulmates but rather to help with your happiness.

So why was she like this all of a sudden?

"I just want you to be happy. I think Norton can do that for you." She frowned. She really was but a big sister. "Don't think I haven't seen how you changed towards him too."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh I don't know! The heart eyes? The obvious daydreaming? The staring? Should I continue?"

"So what if I've got a bit of a crush?" Her arguments truly left you baffled. "I'm not committed to anyone right now. Is it so wrong of me to look at my soulmate that way?!"

Fiona hummed before cheering. "Aha!" She raised her hand and slammed something on the table - a seven of spades. However, upon looking up a beaming grin, she gulped. "Sorry."

Vera shook her head at the priestess but turned back to you with a much calmer look. "Just make sure Norton treats you well. I wouldn't want you to get hurt again."

With her words strung up in the air, you nodded but said nothing more as you both sat back down on your seats and resumed the game.

Now why would Norton ever hurt you?

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