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[a/n: everyone talking about Norton hurting y/n but has anyone thought about the knowledge himbo Fiona holds on soulmates? THATS something y'all should worry about smh.]

Part of you was thankful that the lantern event lasted so long despite the horribly tense atmosphere half the time between you and the two boys. After all, who wouldn't appreciate a five day week turned into two days of work because of food stands and games?

By Friday almost everyone was tired - most hunters going friendly and survivors doing friendly survivor matches. Despite this, you got matched up with William - a man who was probably one of the best people in the manor but infamously one of the most competitive.

"YEAH WE'RE GONNA WIN THIS!" He cheered to the almost dead team of his. Kreacher had his hat over his eyes while leaning back on his chair and Helena silently played with the white fabric that covered the table.

You hesitated but brought a fist up. "Yeah! We got this!" But you only really said that because you were about 75% sure you'd get a friendly hunter who's not willing to deal with the rugby player.

However that plan went out the window when you watched bonbon enter the room - the adorable robot who had a mind of his own but not enough knowledge on friendly hunters to be one. Suddenly you regretted ever being friends with the competitive man.


Bonbon was ruthless - something you came to expect from the robot. Mad eyes would always apologize and beg forgiveness in behalf of his creation, to which you'd always reassure him that it was fine, but his bombs burned. And even an hour later - all patched up by Emily - your leg limped against the burns that had encased your calves on your short kite.

Though you could have had it worse honestly; Helena ended up having her dress catch on fire and when she stopped to put it out, bonbon came and incapacitated her - not understanding the dilemma she was in at the moment.

But if Helena didn't blame him then how could you? So you sucked it up and hopped off towards your room.

Halfway up to your room, Mike rounded a corner and nearly bumped into you, causing you both to stop and stare at each other.

"Oh, hey!" He grinned after an awkward second of recollection. In an instant he was beside you with linked arms as if you were best buddies. "How are you? Heard you had a match with mad eye's robot."

You nodded and let him lead you to your room. "Bonbon - and yeah, my leg is pretty much crisped now because of him."

"Youch, sounds rough. Did you get it treated?"

"No, i was actually just so excited to go see Norton that I forgot to get help from Emily." You rolled your eyes. "Yes, obviously I went to go get it treated."

He snickered, taking no offense to the obvious mocking. "Well now that you mentioned him, why don't I take you to his room?"

"Now why would I want you to do that?"

"Well first of all; you're injured so I need to help you move around!"

"I never asked you to help me."

"Second of all!" He ignored you. "He's probably suffering with the burns as well so the least you can do is go see him."

You quirked a brow at him. "It's not my fault bonbon's bombs hurt. Go get that robot to apologize."

"Yeah true but seeing you suffer is fun."

"Mike Morton I swear to god-" Grabbing onto the doorway of a random passing door, you tried to hold back from the acrobat's dragging.

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