Chapter 1

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Trigger warnings: Swearing, kinda mention of sex

"Humor is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes. It's unbridled, its unplanned, it's full of surprises."

― Erma Bombeck

"Those came out so fucking good, Fia, I swear to God, you always make shit work" my best friend was scrolling through the pictures on the camera she just took of me in my female Winter Soldier cosplay.

"Thanks, Bri" I gasped taking off the metal arm. "This shit looks good, but is so uncomfortable to wear for a longer period of time."

"Yeah, I'm sure it is. But looks damn good if you ask me, as good as the original one" she watched me carefully when I unbuckled knifes from by thighs.

"I mean this one is made of metal, Sebastian's arm isn't" I laughed quietly.

"Wait, what?" she looked at me blinking rapidly.

"What the hell did you expect? Do you realize how troubling it would be spending whole damn day on set?"

"Makes sense" she sighed packing the camera in the bag. "Let's go, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

"I made dinner for us, just gotta warm it up" I threw on a hoodie and took my stuff walking towards my car.

"You're a goddess" she hopped into my car and I started driving towards my home.

"Yeah, I know" I laughed speeding towards the city. "Should I post one of those tonight?"

"Definitely! I can edit them while you prepare food, what do you think?"

"Okay" I giggled, soon after parking near my apartment complex. Some time later we were sitting comfortably with my laptop in front of us, deciding which pic to post.

"Babe? Are you home?" my boyfriend's voice was followed by loud slamming of the front door.

"Coming!" I stood up and smiled widely seeing him take of his leather jacket. "How was work, Honey?" I connected my hands on his neck kissing him tenderly.

"Way too long" he sighed kissing me back. "Is there any food left?"

"Yeah, it's gonna be ready in a few minutes. Bri and I haven't eaten yet too" I walked to the kitchen and looked into the oven to check on my casserole.

"You're the best" he stretched and sat down by the table ready to eat, while I put out everything we needed.

"Hi" Briana waved to him entering and came up to me. "You definitely should post this one, your ass looks amazing in it and the glow the arm has is just a damn cherry on" she handed me my phone and I looked at the pic she chose.

"Okay, I will probably post more soon. Can you post it? You know my deal with them" I said putting on my oven mitts and taking out food.

"Sure" she nodded typing my usual hashtags and tagging some accounts. "Do you want any caption?"

"Umm yeah, add something about shit being cold despite the sun" I placed the tray on the table and opened the bottle of wine.

"Here, it's ready, but I gotta ask. How come you always tag Marvel and so on, but you never tag Sebastian? Or any of the actors actually" she handed me my phone with slight confusion.

"Considering my content? Yeah, I'm not risking shit" I shook my head checking for spelling errors.

"Tag him, this one time. Even if he won't see it, you have bigger chance of people seeing it, I'm sure fans check out who tags him and your cosplays are really good."

Un Pic - Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now