Chapter 20

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trigger warnings: swearing, sex, kinks, calling us all out

"Was I nervous? Maybe a little, because I didn't know what my new life would bring. But more than anything, I felt strong. Brave. Independent. Free. And ready to take on whatever I'd find on the other side of the horizon."
― Amy Purdy 

"Hey, baby, where are you?" Sebastian chuckled on the other side of the line and I sighed rolling my eyes.

"At the gates. As soon as I told the guard I'm here to see you, he asked me who I am."

"You told him you're my girlfriend?" I heard shifting on his side.

"Yeah, I did. Asshole said 'yeah and I'm Johny Depp's private prostitute'. What kind of a fucking response is that?" I groaned and Seb started laughing.

"We're coming, doll, give me a few, okay?"

"Sure. But hurry, lunch is still hot" I shook my head hanging up and leaned on the gate.

"Listen up, chick, I don't know who you are and quite frankly, I don't give a shit. But get out of here, I'm not letting you in" guard popped out of his booth again and I groaned.

"First of all don't call me a chick or I'll make sure your fucking mother doesn't recognize you. Second of all, we'll see about not letting me in. Sebastian is already on his way. He put me on his guest list."

"Yeah, is he taking RDJ with him?" he stated sarcastically.

"No, just me" suddenly Anthony appeared by my side and I laughed.

"Mackie, you son of a bitch, how are you?" I hugged him shortly and felt a pair of arms wrapping around me from behind.

"I'm all good, how are you, Stan?"

"I'm all good" I giggled when Seb started kissing my cheek repeatedly. "Baby, come on!"

"I missed my girl" he smiled turning me around and pulled me to his chest.

"I missed you too" I kissed his cheek and looked at the shocked guard.

"I told you to check the guestlist, cause I'm there."

"I'm sorry, mister Mackie told me mister Stan's wife is coming and..."

"Anthony" I groaned. "You could have warned me at least" I hit my friend's arm as he was laughing hysterically.

"You're like his wife anyway. No ring is a technical thing to fix" he laughed and looked at the guard. "Sorry for the trouble, man. Fia's all good, she's our girl."

"She's my girl, Anthony, fuck off" Sebastian pressed me against his body more.

"What's with the jacket? You look kinda crazy, it's literally July" I looked at both of them weirdly, checking out long windbreakers.

"Well, you know how I'm the best boyfriend ever and I make you surprises you love?" Seb pulled me to his side as he was walking back to the set and I nodded, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Yeah? What is has to do with the jackets? And I thought you're visiting too, why are you weari-" I interrupted myself looking at Anthony when realization hit me like a brick. "No fucking way" I gasped unzipping my boyfriend's jacket a little to glance at his clothes.

"Surprise" he grinned and I squealed.

"Are you fucking serious? Why didn't you tell me?" I jumped in place excited looking at both of them and grabbed Sebastian's hand pulling him further. "Which way? I need to fucking see this, cause holy shit. Do you have the...?" I looked down at his other hand and saw a glove there.

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