Chapter 9

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It's mg birthday today, so let's celebrate it with some love and fun in a new chapter 🥳♥️

warnings: swearing, sex, oral sex, praise kink, threats, online bullying, depresion, dirty talking

"Distance means so little, when someone means so much"

Tom McNeal

"You look amazing" I gently kissed Sebastian while fixing his leather jacket.

"So do you" he smiled, wrapping his hands around me. "Ready for some fun livestreaming?"

"For Bucky? Always" I giggled, kissing his nose. "I still can't believe RDJ called me and said we can do it at his place."

"Actually, how did he know you're doing that?" Seb took my hand into his and we started walking towards the door.

"It's my tradition, I do it every year for Bucky's birthday, livestream with games and cooking or baking something and then eating with everyone. I celebrate all of my favorite Avengers' birthdays."

"But Bucky's birthday is the biggest, right?" he smirked proudly.

"Bucky has his own week, baby, I was posting content with him for the last 7 days" I laughed quietly.

"I know" as soon as we were left alone in the elevator, he pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. I happily kissed him back, entangling my fingers in his hair.

"What was that for?" I leaned on him, feeling dizzy with the aftermath.

"I won't be able to taste those lips for a few good hours, Inger, gotta make up for it" he mumbled against my lips. "God, I miss those lips already."

"I can imagine how much you miss the other lips I have" I joked, making him laugh loudly.

"Always, baby. You're my own heaven on Earth" he bit my lower lip making me moan quietly.

"Seb, stop turning me on. I can't leave a trail like a snail behind me, when I'm supposed to livestream."

"I like when you're horny" he whispered to my ear kissing my neck.

"With great power comes great responsibility" I pulled on his hair to look into his eyes, staring into my soul fogged with lust. "Don't overuse the one you have over me, visul meu."

"I've never thought Romanian can be so sexy" he sighed and took a step back, when the elevator door opened. "Come on, diavola, we have a lot to do" he slapped my ass leaving me alone.

"You asshole" I groaned following him to the entrance.

"I'm innocent" he smiled, giving me puppy eyes.

"Yeah, like my thirst traps" I huffed while fixing my hair. "Don't look at me like that, it makes me feel like I'm the bad guy here!"

"You are, you stole my innocence. I was a good boy before I met you, Fi."

"Maybe asleep" I laughed at him. "Please, you are like Satan himself, tempting me to sin with every fucking look you give me."

"You love it" he winked at me, opening car door for me.

"You know it" I put on my sunglasses getting myself comfortable.

"Put in his address" he turned on navigation, sitting by my side and turning on the engine.

"You don't know where he lives?" I laughed quietly, setting everything ready.

"Please, making it to his trailer on set is almost like a miracle, baby."

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