Chapter 2

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Trigger warnings: Swearing, mention of nudity

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

"Happy birthday!" the door to my apartment slammed open, when Bri entered the place.

"My birthday is in almost three weeks" I looked at her like she grew second head.

"I know, I know. But it's your 25th and we want to make it special, so..."

"We?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes, we. All of your friends and workers, sweetie. We all love you and 25th birthday is something special, so you will be treated and get 25 gifts from us."

"Are you crazy?" I pushed myself upon the couch and tucked my legs under my ass, while she approached me with envelopes in her hands.

"Possibly. But you deserve it, Fia. And that is why you have this one today" she handed me one of them with number 1 on it.

"You're crazy" I slowly opened the envelope looking at her and saw two tickets in it. "What is this for?"

"Read and you'll know" she laughed quietly. "We're going to have a trip. Just you and me. Already figured everything out, everything will be taken care of. We will prepare everything with some extras just in case, don't worry. And I applied for our visas in embassy, we will know if we can go in a few days, although my cousin works there and she already agreed to help us out, so we will have the permit. We have hotel reservation made already, just 5 minutes away. Plane tickets and everything" she handed me more envelopes with numbers and mentioned documents in them.

"Are you serious?" I looked up at her crying already to see her recording my reaction. "You... you're taking me to Comic Con?"

"Yes! So you better prepare that gorgeous ass to squeeze in tight as fuck Winter Soldier costume to show off who's the boss in this fandom. And I hope you can lend me this amazing Captain America suit, cause damn, if I stumble upon Chris Evans in there, I have to look good. Cause, you know, I heard the cast might be having a panel there."

"Oh my god" I gasped jumping on her to hug her tightly.

"Bitch, I need air" she laughed quietly putting one hand around me as she kept recording me.

"Fuck this shit, I will make you your own suit just for that" I cried on her shoulder in happiness.

"Damn, deal! But make my ass look good."

"Okay" I giggled pulling away and wiped tears of my cheeks. "You are the best friend I could dream of, you know that, right?"

"Fuck yes, I am" she smiled widely handing me box of tissues. "And so are you, that's why you are getting spoiled like a little brat, even tho you aren't one."

"I love you" I laid my head on her shoulder looking at the tickets.

"I love you too" she smiled and we waved towards her phone ending the recording.

"How did you even manage to get the tickets anyway? I thought they got sold out immediately months ago."

"I got them months ago" she laughed quietly. "We planned this for a long time. Whole squad sitting like bunch of idiots, trying to buy those tickets with website glitching like crazy. But hey, we did it and that's important."

"The best in the whole world" I kissed her cheek standing up. "Come on, let's watch 'Knives Out'. Put on the movie and I'll get snacks ready."

"Really?" she looked at me excited and I laughed nodding. "Can you make caramel popcorn?"

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