Chapter 5

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Warnings: swearing, mention of nudity, mention of sex, age gap in relationship (is this really a trigger if it's on legal terms?), alcohol

"There are two great days in a person's life—the day we are born and the day we discover why."

– William Barclay

"Wake up" I heard soft whisper above my head and I groaned, moving to face other way. "Come on, Fia, it's late already."

"Go take some damn pills, Briana, you sound like a dude" I mumbled scooting further and felt a warm body by my side. Without thinking I cuddled furthermore and sighed. "Or stay and cuddle, you're warm." My words made my company chuckle and I furrowed my eyebrows, when I realized, there's something wrong with my surroundings.

"Come on, Înger, it's late" I heard a soft voice coming from underneath me and I slowly traced my hand on intruder's chest.

"You don't have boobs. Not Briana" I mumbled and opened one eye to look up and see Sebastian looking at me with amusement.

"Definitely not Briana. Good morning, sweetie. You slept well?" he asked taking my hair out of my face to meet my eyes.

"Yeah... what are you doing here?" I covered my face to hide my yawn when I felt the bed move.

"Gooooood morning, sleepy head! Time to celebrate!" Evans' voice behind me surprised me and I raised my body a little to look behind me.

"What in the fucking Paris are you two doing in here, seriously" I groaned falling back to cuddle into Sebastian. "Go to sleep, guys, it's middle of the night."

"It's 8am, Înger, we have a lot to do today" he chuckled running his hand through my hair.

"No, we don't. It's cuddle day. Chris, you can go away or cuddle with us. The choice is yours, I'm lazy today" I mumbled into his chest making guys laugh.

"Come on, sloth. We have coffee and breakfast" Evans tapped my hip.

"Okay, one last time" I moaned unhappy and propped myself up to sit on bed facing the wall and looked at them both. "What are you doing in my bed and is this Briana's revenge for yesterday's wake up?"

"It kinda is, yeah" I heard her voice behind me and I turned to sit properly, still half covered in bed sheets and noticed her at the end of the bed with camera in her hands. "But at the same time... happy birthday!" she chirped and I groaned falling back.

"You told them? Come on, it's day like any other" I mumbled and boys cuddled into my sides.

"No, it's not! You're officially 25, oldie" Chris joked and I slapped his shoulder gently.

"Gee, thanks, grandpa" I sighed.

"Let's get up, we have breakfast and coffee and everyone's waiting, hm?" Seb kissed my cheek making me smile.

"Who's everyone?" I looked at him curiously.

"Whole squad is here to celebrate with you, mama. But time is running, so get up and get ready!" Briana chirped and I sighed.

"Okay, okay. Then go, cause I am not showing you my ass. I'll be out in a few minutes" I informed making Chris and Seb get up. With that Evans and Briana left, but Sebastian stayed back.

"Don't be mad at her. We knew something's up, when you didn't want so share your birthday" he smiled at me when I got up fixing a long t-shirt on me. "We googled you and persuaded her to confirm it's today. Well, we sent Chris" he admitted and I chuckled.

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