Chapter 6

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Triger warnings: sex, swearing, daddy kink, dirty talking

"Don't be afraid of new beginnings. Don't shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness."

– Billy Chapata

"It was so fun" I sighed entering our hotel room with Briana, Chris, Anthony and Sebastian.

"Glad you had fun this birthday" Bri laughed when I sat down on the couch and threw off my heels.

"Best birthday ever" I giggled and Seb plopped on the spot next to me.

"What are we gonna do now?" Anthony asked laying down on the couch.

"We should probably go back to our hotel soon, girls need to rest" man beside me pointed out.

"You can stay. There's plenty of room here and we somehow got the spare bedroom. We can figure something out. Me and Bri can-" I got cut off by her bedroom door being closed and I noticed she disappeared with Chris. "Okay then. We can work with that anyway, I-"

"Yeah, they right. See you in the morning, you two, goodnight" Mackie stood up quickly and disappeared behind another door.

"Okay, I take the couch then" Seb chuckled taking off his suit jacket.

"Don't be ridiculous, your back will be killing you tomorrow. Sleep with me" I stood up extending my hand towards him.

"Are you sure? I can take the couch, really, it's not a problem" he bit his lip blushing a little.

"Oh come in, big boy" I took his hand pulling him up. "I'm sure you've slept with a woman before" I laughed a little going into my bedroom.

"Well yeah, but none of them were like you are" he said making me go red a little.

"Sweet. But remember I promised you cuddles and I don't break my word" I kissed his cheek and opened one of the drawers taking out sweatpants and handed them to him. "They will be much more comfortable to sleep in. And before you ask, they are mine. I love huge clothes, they are comfy."

"Thank you" he kissed my cheek. "Can I take a shower?"

"Of course, you'll find everything you need there, go in first" I smiled a little and he left. When I heard water running, I pulled out a loose t-shirt and fresh underwear to lay them down on the bed and went through my camera to see the pictures I took.

"Anything good?" I heard my favorite voice above me and I looked up to see smiling man with dripping wet hair and bare chest, slowly running a towel through his wet locks.

"Yeah, definitely" I breathed biting my lip and he chuckled blushing a little.

"I asked about pictures, Înger" he threw the towel in laundry basket and put hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I know" I sighed taking a picture of him, making him laugh, and set the camera aside. "My turn, I'll be back quickly" I stood up taking clothes in my hand and kissed his cheek disappearing in the bathroom. Soon after I was back to notice, that the only light in the room was on bedside table.

"Hey" Sebastian smiled at me putting his phone aside.

"Hi" I giggled climbing in bed to lay down beside him to notice his outstretched hands. "You want your cuddles?" I smiled scooting over and laid my head on his chest.

"Yeah" he sighed in content, pulling covers more over me and wrapped his arms around me.

"How the hell are you so sweet?" I bit my lip throwing my leg over his.

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