Chapter 7

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triggers: swearing, sex (oral), daddy kink, dirty talking

"You will never find peace and happiness until you are ready to commit yourself to something worth dying for."

- Jean Paul Sartre

"I cannot believe it was true. You really met those guys, Fia, this is insane" one of my friends, Jessica, gushed to me over the phone.

"I know, I consider myself hella lucky" I smiled running my fingers through Sebastian's hair, who laid on my lap scrolling on Instagram.

"Are they cool? Like... God, Fi, you're not disappointed, are you?" she asked and I giggled, when Seb looked at me hearing everything due to conversation being held on speaker.

"No, definitely not. They are all amazing, I promise" I bent down giving him a gentle kiss.

"Are you going to meet up with them again?" she asked curious making me laugh.

"I'm hanging out with them all the time, Jess. I consider them friends at this point" Seb put his phone aside and took of his t-shirt, making my mouth water at the sight. "Straight up amazing, I swear."

"I'm guessing you're closest with Sebastian, huh?" she teased jokingly while I started running my hand on his chest with light pink scratches from previous night and he looked up at me innocently.

"Yeah" I leaned down kissing his skin while my fingers traced right on his pant line. "You have no idea" I chuckled.

"Damn, you go girl. Is there any chance he will come to the opening of your restaurant?"

"I hope so" I giggled covering his mouth when he let out a quiet moan and I prayed to God, she didn't hear it. "I'm inviting everyone I meet here, maybe some will come. Look, Jess, give James a million kissed from me, okay? I gotta go now."

"Sure, he misses you too" she chuckled and I bit my lip when Seb caught my hand looking at me questioningly.

"I miss him too. I love him to death. Maybe me and your sister will visit on the way back home from States."

"Okay, let me know. Bye" she hung up and I threw my phone to the side.

"Who's James?" Seb asked making me giggle.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I whispered into his ear and freed my hand running it over his crotch.

"Fuck" he groaned when I stared massaging him. "I don't want any guys miss you like that."

"Why?" I licked my lip looking into his eyes.

"You're mine" he groaned propping himself up and kissed me. I happily kissed back sliding my tongue into his mouth and unzipped his jeans. "God, Fia" he moaned quietly, when I started stroking him.

"Feels good?" I bit his lip squeezing him gently.

"Fucking shit, baby" he moaned buckling his hips.

"Lay down" I took my hand out of his pants and pat his chest.

"What are you doing?" he gasped sitting up and I stood up pushing him onto the pillow.

"Now be a good daddy and let me play" I slid his jeans and underwear down placing myself between his legs. "Don't move, it's my time to shine, got it?" I stroked him again and he nodded vigorously looking down at me, making me smile.

"Are you s- fuck" he moaned loudly when I leaned down to lick his tip circling my tongue around it. Happy with his response I ran my tongue on his full length. "Jesus Christ, Fia" he gasped for air when I started sucking on his tip and I looked into his eyes massaging his balls.

Un Pic - Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now