Chapter 10

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warnings: swearing

"Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. Walk through it."

Robin S. Sharma

"Oh, they're here" RDJ announced with a smile when we heard the doorbell and Briana squealed excitedly.

"I'll go let them in!" she announced with a huge smile.

"Who? What's going on?" I looked at Seb questioningly, making him laugh.

"That might be part of your surprise I was involved in, doll" he explained standing up and leaned on the counter by my side.

"What do you mean?" I asked completely lost.

"Well, you had trouble figuring something out and I found a solution to that" he nodded his head towards the kitchen entrance and I slowly started walking there.

"Where is she? This bitch, I swear. She always pulls crazy shit, but this? Where did she even get this fucking house? Like... that's your air-bnb?" I heard a familiar voice and stood dead in my tracks.

"No fucking way" I turned around looking at smiling Sebastian. "You brought her here?"

"Them" he corrected amused. "Go on, Inger, time to say hi."

"Are you serious?" I felt tears in my eyes and he nodded laughing. "Oh my God" I squealed and run behind me to the entrance. "Where are my damn bitches at? I can hear your barking asses, don't tell me you got lost" I giggled turning around the corner to see four of my friends walking towards me.

"Stan!" Sierra screamed and started running towards me.

"Hey, sweetheart" I whispered, when she jumped on me and hugged me.

"Oh my god, you're really here, you came all the way here, Fia" she sniffed and I hugged her tighter.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Okay, let us greet her, sticker" I heard an amused voice in front of me and saw Andie.

"Cupcake!" I giggled letting Sierra stand on her own and hugged Andie. "How's my gorgeous girl doing?" I laughed quietly.

"Apparently not as good as you. Bitch, you have a lot of explaining to do" she laughed. "How the fuck did you get Sebastian freaking Stan to follow you around like a puppy?"

"Who said I'm not following him?" I giggled patting her back.

"Yeah, and Chris Evans has no ass" behind her appeared her brother, Jake.

"Don't tell him that, it's his pride and joy" I snorted, hugging him.

"Yeah, you got this dude too. And Anthony. Seriously, what did you do, Fiamma?" he laughed. "You're a troublemaker!"

"I'm a good girl, I didn't do shit!" I giggled.

"Fuck the rest, she saw Tom Hiddleston up close" I was suddenly engulfed with Lana's arms, when she jumped on me.

"Yeah, he's cool" I laughed. "Good to see you too, bitch."

"Fuck me" she groaned when I started walking towards kitchen, still holding her. "Like... how fucking close did you get?" she held my face looking straight into my eyes. "Were you a good mama for me and looked at this man carefully?"

"I mean we hugged, so that's damn close" I laughed.

"Now the most important part..." she started wiggling when I stood in the doorway.

"Lana, you may want to..." I started, but she interrupted me.

"Fiamma Maria Rossi, is Thomas William Hiddleston's dick as fucking big as I think it is?" she asked me seriously.

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