Chapter 12

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This chapter is a little different. Seems like a filler, but I tought that Bri and Chris deserved a little more. Enjoy, Ingers.

triggers: sex, dirty talking, swearing

No one ever fell in love gracefully.

—Connie Brockway

"Sebastian" I moaned quietly, moving around. "W-what are you... doing?"

"Be good" he mumbled into my pussy. The vibrations originated by his voice went straight into my core, making me plead his name once again. I heard him shift his position a little, which caused me to look back, noticing him trying to get more comfortable, with a bulging erection clearly visible through his pants.

"W-wait" I tried getting up again and he sighed unhappily, pulling back slightly while his blue irises were trained on me .

"Don't you dare" he warned, watching me move around one more time.

"I want to turn around" I asked, taking a deep breath as his sweet tortures stopped. "Jesus Christ, Seb, you're a lot today" I giggled when I was finally able to move, and I turned myself around to unzip his pants.

"It's your moment" he chuckled, raising his hips to help me anyway.

"And you know I love sucking your dick" I slid off his pants and boxers. "Besides I wouldn't leave you like that." I stated, running my fingers over his erection, erupting a smile on my lips when he twitched under my touch.

"You and your pleasing nature" he joked, pulling me back down, wrapping his arm around me and placing his free hand on my ass.

"And back to you" I giggled, lowering myself to lick his tip.

"Brat" he spat while he spanked me, immediately going back to continue eating me out, making me moan in response.

"Again, likewise".

I put him in my mouth, slowly bobbing my head and sucking him, running my hands through his body. We kept caressing each other's bodies, showing the pleasure we both felt through moans, playing with every body part we could reach, only to start speeding up feverish movements.

"Fuck, Sebby" I moaned loudly when he put two fingers inside me. "I'm gonna cum again" I panted stroking him fast, licking his balls at the same time.

"Me too" he started sucking my clit so intensely it almost hurt and I whined loudly, repeating his ministrations on his tip. Seconds after, I found myself shaking over him, scratching his thighs and sucking even harder to make him finish in my mouth.

"Fuck" he groaned, panting warm puffs of breath into my skin. "I thought you're gonna choke for a second" he chuckled.

"It'll be an honorable way to die" I giggled, shifting my position to face him and hide my face into the crook of his neck.

"With my dick?" he started laughing, lovingly running his hands on my body.

"That's a dream, babe" I confessed, and started kissing his jawline. "And we both know I can prove it."

"Also, we both know you marked your territory" Sebastian added, grabbing my face only to kiss me passionately.

"Your beard is wet" I giggled, pulling back when I was out of breath.

"I wonder why" he asked, as he grinned cockily while I started wiping it gently.

"It's your fault I'm dripping like that."

Un Pic - Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now