Chapter 3

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Warnings: swearing, mention of cheating, loosing consiousness

"As soon as I saw you, I knew adventure was going to happen."

- A.A. Milne

"Oh my god, he's beautiful" I sighed silently seeing Seb laugh while fixing his hair and girls beside me giggled.

"He really is. Have you even noticed anyone else from the cast at all?" Bri joked and I bumped my elbow into her ribs.

"Of course I did, but I kinda... keep going back to him" I bit my lip and blushed a little.

"Okay, guys, if you have any questions for the cast, you can stand in lines on both sides of the stage" one of the hosts said and the girls started pushing me out of my spot.

"Girl, go!"

"You have to talk!"

"I don't know what to ask" I squealed slowly making my way by Briana.

"Ask whatever, we need to see you interact with them, come on!" they kept pushing me and I sighed.

"Okay, okay, but I'm nervous" I shook my head putting the mask on and made my way to the back of queue. After some time and nervous shifting I noticed I'm standing by my girls giggling and observing me, when there was only three people in front of me.

"Go get it!" Briana mouthed to me and I sighed, showing her how my hands are shaking and she laughed, showing me thumbs up. Without me noticing, it was already my time and I slowly came up to the microphone.

"Hi, guys!" I said nervously and while the cast was greeting me, I took of my mask, so my talking would be clearer. "I-I was wondering what..." I started while I noticed Seb squinting his eyes and edging himself on his chair.

"Hold up... Fiamma? It's you, right? I'm not crazy right now?" he questioned trying to see me better, while my heart stopped beating for a second and some people started cheering behind me.

"Oh my god" I breathed out and the girls started screaming with confirmation. "Yeah, hi!"

"Oh god, you made it!" he jumped up and started running towards the stairs leading off the stage and I panicked looking at Briana, who's jaw dropped low.

"Y-yeah. I-I did" I bit my lip nervously when he made his way towards me.

"I won't get killed if I hug you, will I?" he stopped right in front of me with huge smile on his face.

"No, but I might die" I laughed nervously and he took me into his arms, hugging me and raising me up.

"I'm so happy you're here" he said quietly when people were cheering all around us.

"Wait, hold up, what is going on in here?" Evans laughed looking at us confused.

"He said Fiamma, is it this one I think about?" Mackie looked at us excited and I felt myself blushing hard.

"Anthony, shut up. Please" Seb said letting me stand on my own.

"No, no. He's onto something" RDJ looked at me with a huge smile on his face and I blushed again. "Tell me, honey... are you Fiamma Rossi?"

"I... yes, I am, sir" I blinked shocked that Robert Motherfucking Downey Junior knew my name. "How... How do you know that?"

"I have my ways, sweetheart" he grinned satisfied.

"Okay, can anyone explain what is going on? I really feel like there's a huge plot I am missing" Chris looked at all of us confused.

"You and me both, man" I took a deep breath hearing round of laughs around me.

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