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triggers: swearing

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."
― Dalai Lama XIV

"I'm so glad you could make it" I hugged Sebastian's mom as she entered the big hall of my restaurant.

"You told me the same thing yesterday" she laughed quietly. "You look amazing, Fia" she eyed me up and down, looking at every bit of my two part burgundy dress.

"So do you" I smiled widely. "Please, come in. Bar is opened today, so get comfortable. If you tell them you look for Fia's special wine, they will give you our favorite" I winked at my future mother in law and she laughed.

"See? That's why you're my favorite. That's why you're marrying my son."

"She's marrying me, because we love each other, mama" Sebastian chuckled wrapping his arms around me.

"I know, but look at the perks of it. Someone finally knows what wine to get me" she pat her son's cheek and went away, where she joined my parents and sister.

"Fia!" I heard deep voice behind us and noticed my old friend with a small grin looking down at me.

"Henry, you made it" I quickly hugged him. "I thought you're shooting now."

"I am, but thought I could use a day or two off and see how are you" he smiled widely.

"Thank you, it means the world to me" I pat his chest. "Be careful, fangirls will be present and that includes my family members."

"I'll be a good boy, I promise."

"Yeah, but I can't say the same about them" I giggled. "Gave them all a huge talk about approaching people who don't know them, screaming and crying and exclaiming undying love is off the table today, but..."

"It's gonna be fine, really" he smiled and looked at my man. "You're the lucky one."

"Sebastian, nice to meet you" my fiance extended his hand and Henry shook it with a huge grin.

"I'm Henry. And good luck, man, she's a wild one. Take care of her."

"Wild but tamable" Seb chuckled and I kissed his cheek.

"Apparently so. Well, I better get going, this open table is looking at me."

"Don't get stuffed, there's dinner later on!" I pointed my finger at Henry and he laughed leaving us alone.

"This dude is huge" Seb mumbled while looking at my friend's back. "You already said yes. You're not changing your mind right?"

"I'm not" I giggled standing on my tippy toes and kissed him. "Mr Stan, there's nothing to be jealous about. I'm yours. You literally put a ring on it."

"If you have more friends like that, please remember you said it, okay? Jesus Christ, should have gotten you a ring with a damn alarm or something."

"Sebastian" I leaned on his laughing like crazy and he chuckled wrapping his arms around me.

"Happy Mr and Mrs, all as God wanted it to be" Anthony approached us chuckling.

"Don't worry, sweetie, you'll find your girl soon" I giggled and he nodded.

"I know, Sam is right there" he grinned pointing to the corner where my friends were talking.

"So you're officially making moves on my girl?"

"Well, you stole my man, time for me to have my revenge" he joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't have too much fun, okay?"

Un Pic - Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now