Chapter 4

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Warnings: swearing, mention of sex, mentionof kinks, mention of nudity, body dysmorphia, starving, mental illness, bullying

"New friends are like new adventures. You never know what lessons they will teach you."

– Unknown

Waking up in the morning I felt like everything that happened day before was an amazing dream. I just couldn't believe that I hung out with Sebastian and the rest, it seemed like something impossible. And Seb admitting he tried flirting with me? With wild thoughts swirling in my head, I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom, washed my face smiling at my reflection. When I reached for my face cream, I heard new notification coming.

Good morning, sweetheart! I hope you slept well :)

Hey there, handsome x Yes, I did! How about you?

Despite Mackie hanging on my ass till 1am and talking shit? Pretty good.

Wanna catch breakfast before another crazy day at Comic Con? xx

With pleasure :)

Get cheerleader out of bed, I'm getting the rest

And yes, Chris is coming too ;)

Oh just wait for it...

Giggling like crazy, I got out of the bathroom I fixed my bun and started recording the moment I stepped into Briana's bedroom.

"Good morning, sleepy head" I tapped the sheets where I knew her head was.

"Go away, Satan" she groaned pulling the covers more over her head.

"Hell no, get up. We're getting breakfast" I laughed.

"No, thank you. I'll get some on the way later." She stuck out her hand and showed me her middle finger. "I just had an amazing dream we hung out with my god of ass cheeks, I wanna go back!"

"That wasn't a dream" I laughed harder. "But fine, as you wish. I'll go alone with the boys. Chris will be disappointed though, you want me to say hi from you?"

"What?" she jumped out of bed falling on the ground, making me burst out laughing like crazy.

"Exactly what you heard, Seb invited us for breakfast. You coming or not?"

"And Chris will be there?" I saw her head frantically pulling out of the covers.

"Yeah, confirmed. So get a move on, because we need to get back after to change into cosplays" I giggled laying down beside her and switched recording to the front camera to show us both.

"Oh my god, why are you recording?" she groaned again, covering her face.

"Say hi to the boooooys" I teased and she huffed.

"You couldn't wait till I put make up on?"

"You're beautiful without it and I straight up don't give a fuck, honey" I started petting her hair when she cuddled to me. "Come on, we need to get ready."

"You promise Chris will be there?"

"Yes, Sebby told me they all want to go with us" I laughed quietly.

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