Chapter 19

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triger warnings: swearing, mention of abuse

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."
― Laurell K. Hamilton 

"Fucking hell, woman, what took you so long?" Briana circled the counter taking two of the bags I held in my hands and I slid up my sunglasses.

"I found out why Sebastian didn't pick up his phone."

"He called me in the middle of the night, I was sleeping though. I completely forgot to tell you about that! I'm sorry! What happened to him? Did he fuck up his phone again?" she asked while taking out new notebooks and hiding them in the drawer.

"No, even better" I giggled and looked at the entrance where my boyfriend appeared with a beer keg in his hands.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she whisper-yelled at me and Seb looked around, spotting me immediately and making his way towards us.

"Put it in here, I'll tell the boys to change it in a second" I giggled and he did what I asked him to.

"Hey, Bri, good to see you" he hugged my best friend and she still looked at him in shock. "Sorry for the late night call."

"It's all good, man. Holy fuck! Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

"I have last minute off time and decided to visit. How are you?" he grinned, wrapping his arm around me.

"I'm all good! Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?"

"We ate a big breakfast before leaving. But I'd die for a good virgin" I rolled the sleeves to my leather jacket and wiped off the dust from my dress.

"Sure thing. What about you?" Briana smiled looking at my boyfriend.

"Iced coffee? Is that an option?" he grinned and she nodded.

"Where's everyone?" I looked around seeing only a few tables chatting away and Bri was alone behind the counter.

"Kate is not feeling her best, she's hungover. Surprise celebration, cause her sister is pregnant. She's gonna be here in a few hours for the worst mess though."

"What about Pat?" I took two glasses from the shelf.

"She's eating her lunch. You woke up late today, huh?" she chuckled.

"I picked Seb up from the airport at 2am, we deserved a late morning" I smiled widely and kissed her cheek. "My table is free?"

"Yeah, I'll bring those there, don't worry."

"Thanks. We're gonna say hi to the rest and go to my spot" I took Sebastian's hand and pulled him to the kitchen.

"Where's my boss queen taking me?" he grinned, following me closely.

"To meet the squad. They're cool, don't worry" I giggled and pushed the door to see a few people joking around. "Is this how hard you're working? I should give you some additional shit, y'all" I laughed seeing them eating their lunch while one of them was cutting a pie.

"Fia! Hey there, boss" tall skinny man approached us and hugged me.

"Hey, Sasha. This is Sebastian. Seb, meet Sasha, he's my head cook in this place."

"Hey, man, nice to meet you" my boyfriend smiled at him and extended his hand.


"Fiamma" one of the girls, wiped her mouth and hugged me.

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