Chapter 11

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warnings: swearing, sex, public sex

You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast.

—Catherynne M. Valente

"Are you okay, baby?" Seb kissed my forehead repeatedly when we were in the bathroom, when I took off Bucky's arm.

"I'm worried" I said quietly wrapping my arms around him.

"I don't care if they talk" he chuckled quietly. "I'm more worried about shit storm your friends will bring as soon as we walk out of here."

"We can take them, they're easy task compared to the internet."

"Scar gave us gold card, Inger, they will be jealous, but think I kissed you only for charity. For now they have no idea how I know those lips" he purred making me giggle and kissed me deeply.

"Thank you" I said quietly when we separated.

"For kissing you?" he laughed running his hands on my back.

"No, silly" I giggled playing with his hair. "For being there for me."

"Always" he smiled widely. "I have a request though."

"And what is it, Dulce?"

"Leave those on" he pulled a little on the harness on my thigh.

"I can see that kink town running through you head" I bit my lip. "Top one too?"

"Yeah" he nodded slowly kissing my neck.

"Okay" I sighed content leaning my head to the side. "We have to get back to them."

"Yeah, I know" he groaned.

"Don't worry, we won't stay long. It's already getting late, we'll be alone soon."

"Can't wait" he slapped my ass pulling away and I laughed.

"Pervert" I stuck my tongue out opening the door to leave.

"You love it, doll, we both know it."

"Maybe" I giggled running to the living room, where everyone got comfortable on different spots around the room.

"Get back here and admit it!" Sebastian followed me wrapping his arms around me and pulled me on a small loveseat onto his lap.

"You're a fucking magician, Fia" I heard Andie's charmed voice.

"What do you mean?" I kept giggling throwing my shoes off and tucked my feet under Sebastian's thigh to keep them warm and he threw a little blanket on our legs.

"You wrapped him around his finger with one kiss?" Jake looked at us with disbelief.

"Oh if it would be this one" Anthony groaned. "Be happy you weren't stuck in their tension before this started. Seriously, like two dogs looking at a damn hot dog, but not able to take a bite."

"What?" Sierra furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're confusing them, they don't know yet" I giggled running my hand through Sebastian's hair when he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Don't know about what?" Tom Holland asked curious.

"That you were hitting on my girlfriend" Seb looked at him before I could reply.

"W-what?" he stuttered surprised looking at us and my friends squealed.

"No fucking way" Andie looked at us shocked.

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