Chapter 13

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I figured the story needs to have the plot progressing, so this one is a little softer. Hang on, horny people, our little porn stars will go nuts soon, I promise.

Triggers: swearing, mention of sex

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." 

— Muhammad Ali

"Fia, there's paparazzi outside" Sebastian's quiet voice pulled me out from my thoughts when I was waiting for my things.

"What?" I looked at him surprised with the news. "How do they know? They fucking camping out there and pray for the best?" I looked around nervously.

"I don't know, someone had to let them know" he sighed and put on sunglasses taking our suitcases and I took another one. "Put your hood on, baby, glasses if you have them" he instructed and I did it quickly, soon after following him through the airport. "I'm sorry, Fia, this wasn't supposed to be like that."

"Like what?" I chuckled shaking my head. "I'll be fine, I knew what I'm getting myself into."

"Yeah, but those motherfuckers are everywhere."

"Sebastian, it's all good. Not the first time people will see us together, just gonna be surprised we're alone in New York. But it's not like we would spend the whole two weeks in your apartment. I wanna see the city" I smiled and he looked at me grinning.

"You sure? I can think of a few things we could be doing alone between four walls. That would include the New York view" he bit his lip and I giggled.

"Stop flirting with me, mister, that's inappropriate."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I thought of watching movies and eating junk food" we slowly approached the entrance. "My friends are waiting for us."

"So that's how you knew about dickheads being here" I laughed quietly and looked around. "Alright, who's coming?"

"Paul and Chace" he grinned putting his hat on me.

"Wait, you mean..."

"Sebastian! Finally, man, you really took your time" a smiling man appeared in front of us.

"It's not my fault that our suitcases didn't teleport out of nowhere" my boyfriend hugged him and smiled widely. "This is Fiamma" he pointed towards me when they seperated and I put out my hand.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" he shook it while smiling widely. "Let's go, guys, there's getting more of those paparazzi outside" he took mine and Sebastian's luggages and led the way, while Sebastian walked a little closer to me.

"Where's the car?"

"Up front. Chase is waiting for us right by the entrance, so you can run away as quickly as possible."

"Can they even legally be here?" I glanced towards one of the photographers taking pictures of us. "There has to be some regulation about that, literally law should make this shit illegal."

"Yeah, it should, but as you can see... business is business, everyone gets money from those" Paul sighed looking back at me.

"Well, not everyone" I shrugged. "One of a billion reasons why I prefer being a photographer with actual honor and take pictures people actually want" I took a deep breath when we left the airport, immediately hit by screams, flashes and never ending questions. Seconds later we were all in the car driving towards the city chatting away.

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