Chapter 15

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trigger warnings: sex, dirty talking, swearing, men, abuse

Everything around you will vanish and go away.
Only your expressed love will live forever in the Milky Way. 

- Debasish Mridha

"Hey, baby" I smiled seeing my boyfriend enter the room as I was making myself a cup of tea and added another mug to make the beverage for him too. "Did you have fun with the boys?"

"Yeah, it's good to catch up with them after that much time" Sebastian smiled, wrapping his arms around me. "They asked me a billion questions about you. Chace and Paul felt superior, cause they already met you" he kissed my cheek, only to sigh while turning me around and kissed me passionately. "That's better" he mumbled after a few seconds and I giggled.

"I'm glad you had fun. I'm sure they missed you, Baby, you were gone for like a month."

"Yeah" he smiled watching me carefully. "Did you have fun?"

"I did" I bit my lip. "I bought a few things for myself. And kinda went crazy buying things for you. I couldn't help it, I just knew you're gonna look amazing in them, so I got a lot. Ana asked me to be an ambassador for her company, so I'm on cloud nine with it. She said she sent me some stuff to your address, just a heads up. There's cosmetics for her upcoming line, cause she wants me to test them. And your mom was so sweet. She found this red dress with a slit on the side for me. It's minimalistic, but the material is shiny, it has silver thread in it I think. I was thinking I could wear it to meet up with girls, it's sexy, but not slutty, you know. I totally let myself go with them, I normally don't buy so much stuff, but we had fun trying them all on. They have amazing taste" I giggled and shook my head when I realized I started talking a lot.

"I'm so fucking happy you got along with them" he siged kissing my forehead. "I care about them both. I never introduced any of my girlfriends to aunt Ana, but my mom..." he sighed and I immediately remembered the conversation I had with her.

"We have her green light" I said quietly while rubbing his cheek. "We had... an honest conversation. And we got along pretty well."

"I'm happy to hear that" he smiled and I started kissing his jawline.

"So am I" I mumbled against his skin and slowly ran my tongue on his Adam's apple.

"Inger" he purred as I switched our position, so he was leaning against the counter and I ran my hands on his chest.

"Yes?" I started sucking on his sweet spot to make a little hickey and he moaned in response, laying his hands on my ass and squeezing it.

"What are you doing?" he groaned quietly.

"You want me to stop?" I bit his chin and took my time to form a wet path with my tongue that led straight to his earlobe.

"God, no. Please, don't" he ran one of his hands higher to my shoulder blades, making sure I can't escape his grasp.

"I missed you today" I said quietly, wrapping one of my hands around his waist and ran other one down his chest and under his t-shirt, scratching on his v-line.

"I missed you too" he sighed as his breath started shaking and I sucked on his earlobe. "Shit, doll, what's gotten into you?"

"I hope you're gonna get in me" I grinned and bit his neck, making him moan quietly. "I heard something today and I connected some dots."

"Dots?" he asked slowly, barely processing my words as I started unbuckling his pants.

"Mhm" I licked the skin on his collarbone as my hand went lower to his already semi hard member and I started massaging him through the material of his boxers. "I realized that none of your exes knew what the fuck they're supposed to do and left you so neglected, baby. But I'm gonna change that."

Un Pic - Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now