Chapter 21

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triggers: swearing, argument

"What you choose also chooses you."

― Kamand Kojouri

"Never thought I'll have a moment in my life, when I'm gonna be fully aware of a billion paparazzi taking pictures of me eating" I sighed quietly while looking at a bottle of water in my hands.

"Believe me, Fia, it pisses me off so much. I wanted to take you for a normal ass date and enjoy having you here" Sebastian layed down on a blanket and put his head on my lap. "I hate it so much that I can't give you a normal relationship" he said quietly looking up at the sky and I chuckled looking around the Central Park we were in.

"Oh love, don't bother yourself with thoughts like that" I leaned down kissing his forehead. "Our relationship is amazing. I'm happy, I'm loved, I'm taken care of, I'm not abused in any way. That's all I could ask for. The biggest two differences between you and any other guy is that you have a job that they can't get, because they don't have the talent you have" I reached for grapes and put one in his mouth. "I told you a billion times before, Sebastian, I knew what I'm getting myself into."

"I know, but..."

"No buts" I shook my head. "I'm happy. We are both healthy and happy, this is all I could ask for. You are everything I need and more" I said seriously while looking into his eyes. "I need to get used to that, sure. But it doesn't mean I didn't agree to this nor does it state I'm unhappy. It's just a little weird, that's all. I would be more pissed if that damn woman called your PR manager started telling us where we can or cannot go."

"I wouldn't agree to that" he sighed and reached for my hand to start playing with my fingers. "She already pissed me off when she started questioning if we will make enough mess going public. Our happiness should be more important."

"And she clearly underestimated me" I laughed quietly. "Apparently dating a fan with a big ass and a complete opposite of any of your exes does the trick, but being internet famous steps the game way up. I missed the 'mystery girl' step, damn."

"Those introductions and paps trying to figure out who you are... that's a cringe town" Seb sighed and pulled himself up to look into my eyes. "I love you so much, Fia."

"I love you too, daddy" I giggled and kissed him slowly. He immediately deepened the kiss pulling me closer by my neck.

"I will burn this damn world for those lips" he rested his forehead against mine.

"And you have them for free, what a deal" I bit his lip while pulling on it a little.

"A once in a lifetime opportunity" he smiled looking into my eyes.

"Excuse me" I heard a girl's voice nearby and looked to the side to notice a teenage girl approaching with around 6 year old boy holding her hand tightly.

"Hi, what's up?" Sebastian smiled widely seeing he has an Avengers shirt on.

"I am so so sorry we interrupt you two, but my brother is a huge fan and we saw you sitting here and there's no way we're gonna have opportunity like that again since we came here from Kansas and..." she started rambling nervously and I giggled.

"You want a pic with Sebastian?" I asked smiling at them and the boy blushed looking down when I caught his eyes buried into me with curiosity.

"Yeah. Could we take one?" the girl asked and I pat his shoulder.

"Go on, Dulce, have fun" I said in Romanian and he kissed my cheek standing up and coming closer to them.

"Hey, buddy, what's your name?" my boyfriend kneeled in front of the boy and I put on my sunglasses to look around the surrounding park, only to notice a tall blonde approaching towards us. I furrowed my eyebrows as she pulled her top a little down to push her boobs up and I stood up realizing why I know her.

Un Pic - Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now