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the spirits

hold on

to tight


The Comparasion: Old Version Vs. The New One

1. Charlie Death's: In the old version she never went into the dream world, she only got very paranoid of her surroundings and eventually Kyle (possessing Ashton's body) kills her by strangling her and with the help of Eva (posessing Wendy's body) stabs her in her stomach. In this version Kyle kills her being her worst fear in the dream world as a clown.

2. The Dream World: The dream world wasn't a thing in the old version, there was no astral projection, Tamina and Charlie did not have this ability and Greg did not talk to them about this. There was no mention of astral projection in the old version of this story.

3. The Clown: There was no clown in the old version whatsoever. Michael never got it. 

4. The Beginning: This version started out where they wake up Charlie on her birthday. The old version started out with the four girls in the kitchen talking about girly stuff. 

5. Wendy & Luke's deaths: In this verison, Luke kills her by trying to kill Eva, in the old version Luke never layed a finger on her, Eva (posessing Wendy's body) killed him by stabbing him in the back instead of the stomach or chest. 

6. The Coma: As there was no dream world in the last verison, Charlie never went into a coma.

7. Tamina's Dream: Tamina was attacked by spirits in this version in the dream world, in the old version she was attacked while Calum was with her, but in this verison Calum does not get attacked only she does.This is the only dream that Tamina has, she in this version she gets other dreams to, but that did not happen in the old version.

8. Charlie's Dreams: Charlie doesn't have any dreams in the old version.

9. The Bodies: In the old version, Izzy, her mom and her father were not found in the closet. 

10. Jordyn's Death: In the old version, Candy shot her just like that, Izzy's dad did not drown her at all before she was shot nor did she see him in the mirror.

11. Epilogue: The epilogue of the old version was actually chapter 2.5 of this version where they find haylee's body, there were only 2.2 chapters in the old version.

12. Haylee's Death: In the old version, it was never shown that she played the ouija board and the message on the wall did not say "You will become one of us," it said "We aren't done with you yet."

13. Tracklist: There was actually no tracklist before lol.

14. The Attic & The Board: Tamina never played alone upstairs in the old version. 

15. Charlie's Journal: No dreams in the old version, no journal.


What The Book Was Based off of:

1. The Old Woman: She is based off of an expierence of mine, she is latched onto Tamina, she is connected to her for reasons that will be revealed in the sequel. I have a spirit or whatever it is, latched to me. Ever since I was seven, I've seen him, he's a soldier, he followed me from California to here, now if you guys don't believe in spirits, it's fine, but I believe in them, therefore do not shit on what I believe in alright?

2. The Mirror: Tamina saw the Old Woman standing behind her in the mirror, this has happened to me. 

3. My Ouija: I sitll haven't gotten the chance to play my board yet, but I will, whenever I get the chance to with my friends. 


What Wasn't Explained: 

1. Sophie: There was mention of a girl named Sophie when Wendy was dying, she is a huge character in the prequel to his book which is called "4 a.m." The book is not finished, but who she is will be explained in that book, you don't have to read it if you don't want to.

2. The Parents: The relationship between them and their parents will also be explained in 4 a.m.

3. Haylee: More of how she is alive will be explained in the sequel and in a small extra that will be updated soon in the book.

4. Haylee's Killer: How she died will be revealed in the sequel.

5. The Spirits: Will be revealed in extras that will soon be put in this book.


Thank you to everyone who read this and commented, voted, etc. You guys all mean the world to me without you guys I probably wouldn't be writing. Thanks for all the love and support. I love you all.

- steph xx

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