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"Don't come out of your room!" Patricia said to her daughter, wiping tears that run down her face, "Please sweetheart, just stay in here, stay in your room."

"Mom, what's going on?" six-year old Isabella asked her mom. She had heard her dad and mom yelling earlier, and now her and her mom were in Izzy's room.

There was a loud sound that came from the basement, making Patricia's face drop.

"Mommy, what was that?" Isabella asked.

"I'll be back," her mom sniffled, "Stay here. Do not, move."

Patricia left the room and Izzy sat on her bed, feeling worry flood through her system. She didn't know why her parents were arguing, but she knew it was something that Patricia said to her husband, Garrett.

Garrett had been asking Patricia questions and finally that day, she gave him answers and things completely blew out of proportion.

Isabella heard a scream, one that made her blood go cold. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran to her door, putting her ear close.

"What did you do?!" she heard her mother scream.

It was at that moment, that Isabella's fear kicked in. She ran and hid under the bed for a few minutes, before deciding that she had to be brave and see what was going on with her mom and dad. She grabbed a doll from her bed, one that was made to look exactly like her; she always carried it when she got sad or nervous, it made her feel protected.

She walked downstairs and down into the basement. She saw a door that was slightly open, there was light coming out of it and she heard the pacing of footsteps, she knew someone was inside.

Izzy never paid any mind to the door, in fact, she had never even noticed it there. She took a few steps closer and it took her a moment to actually step inside.

But when she did, she immediately wished she hadn't.

She looked down at the pool of blood she had just stepped in, and when her eyes met her fathers. She let out a scream that sounded exactly like her moms, just more high pitch.

She fell to the floor and shook her dad's body, getting blood on her pink and white dress. "Daddy!" she shook him, "Wake up!"

Izzy started to cry and she got up, looking for her mom ready to tell her that something was wrong with her dad.

When she got to the foot of the bed, her foot hit something. She looked down and another scream came out of her mouth when she met the eyes of her mother. There was blood coming from her side and Izzy pinched her arm, hoping that what she was seeing was al a dream.

"Mommy," her voice shook as she knelt down. She reached out to touch her mother but immediately froze when she heard footsteps coming up from behind her.

She turned her head slowly and stood up to face the monster.

Freddy Turner stared back at her, "Isabella."

She stared at the gun in his hand and started sobbing, yelling at him, "Get away! Monster! You hurt my mommy and my daddy! Why did you hurt them?"

"Your mom was slut," the words rolled off his tongue. Izzy didn't know what that word meant, but she knew it was something bad by the tone of his voice.

"I don't know what that means," she admitted, her voice shaking. He knelt down so he was eye to her and she swallowed hard, wiping the sweat on her right hand, onto her pink dress and her white tights. She clutched the doll in her left and Freddy chuckled.

"Your mom was a whore," he spat, "She deserved to die like this. She broke my heart Isabella! She didn't love your dad, that's what she told me, but then she told him the opposite, and that's a very, very, cruel thing to do to someone."

Izzy frowned, "Mommy and Daddy did love each other, or else they wouldn't be together, stop being a liar."

Freddy grabbed the girl by the collar of her dress and pulled her closer, "Don't ever say that again. They didn't love each other!"

He picked her up and she started screaming, begging for him to put her down. She dropped her and she landed flat on her back, the wind being knocked right out of her. She clutched at the doll as he kicked her hard.

She was kicked around a couple more times and finally she just lied on the floor. She had no more strength to get up, she couldn't even cry anymore.

"Get up!" he yelled at her. Izzy tried her hardest to stand, but instead she only knelt down, balancing herself on her knees.

He held up the gun and pointed it at the back of her head, and before he pulled the trigger, Izzy heard only two words.

"Goodnight Isabella."


im trying to get the extras done asap

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