the second trial

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Greg, Mandy, and Phoebe sat in the house, hearts pounding and sweat dripping down their foreheads. 

"Spirits who are in this room, here we are and we call to you," Mandy put her fingers on the planchette, followed by Phoebe and Greg putting their fingers on it as well.

"Is there anyone here with us?" Phoebe asked, her voice shaky. 

The planchette slowly moved to the word "Yes" on the board. Greg sucked in a deep breath and looked at the two girls. 

"Cole?" Mandy's voice cracked as tears welled in her eyes. 


Mandy bit her lip as tears fell from her eyes, "I went to your funeral," she told him, "Your parents think that you were murdered by some psychopathic killer, which you were, but not something human."

"Where did you and Mandy meet?" Greg asked. In order to find out if it was really Cole Mandy frowned. 

The river.

"The river was where we had our first date, not where we met," Mandy swallowed hard, "But Cole and I talked about our first date before, in his room."

She looked at the board and swallowed hard, "I'm not talking to Cole, am I?"


Mandy lifted the planchette and looked over at her friends, who looked at her in utter fear and dread. She looked through the planchette and gasped at the demonic figure that stood behind Greg, he turned to look at her and suddenly looked just like a normal human being, he blinked and his eyes turned a complete black. 

"Cole isn't here," the same voice said, who had killed her boyfriend. She dropped the planchette back on the board which now was moving by itself. 

Run, they're behind you.

Phoebe got up and ran to the door, but she seemed to bump into something that wasn't there. She was thrown up against the door and fell to the floor, being kicked to the couch. 

"Phoebe!" Mandy yelled. 

Greg grabbed the matches from his pocket and burned the board and the planchette. When the fire was out, it seemed that everything was over, like maybe it was finally over, maybe the spirits were gone. 

"You didn't see goodbye," they heard. They looked over and saw Kyle and his brother standing with two more demons standing behind them. 

"Run!" Mandy yelled. She grabbed Phoebe from the couch and they ran upstairs, but slipped on water that was running from the bathtub. The sight of a man drowning another man frightened them into the attic, where they found the board, completely untouched.

"Oh no," Phoebe muttered. 

"Give me the water," Mandy asked Phoebe. She grabbed the holy water out of her bag and handed it to her, handing Greg a flask of it also. 

"Guys, what if we don't make it out of here alive?" Phoebe asked them. 

"We're going to be okay," Greg said, even though the uncertainty was clear in his voice. 

Phoebe started to hear voices, whispers in her ear and she dropped to the floor. She was the weakest link of the group, making her the easiest and most vulnerable target of the three friends. 

"Phoebe it isn't real!" Mandy yelled, "Get up! It's not real, you're okay!"

The lights went out and when they came back on, Phoebe was no longer there. Greg and Mandy looked at each other and when they tried to leave the room, the door was locked. 

"Where do you think you're going?" they heard a chuckle. 

Kyle appeared a small smile on his face, "I'm sorry I killed your boyfriend, but don't worry, he fits in just right here."

"You bastard," Mandy spat, "What did we ever do to you?!"

"I had to do what I had to do," he simply responded, "You wouldn't understand Mandy, you don't live like us."

"Where is Phoebe?" Greg asked.

"She's just fine, but hurry you have to save her before Eva gets to her, and no one messes with Eva," he chuckled, before the lights once again went out, and when they came back on, he was gone. 

They ran to the door again which actually opened and ran into the living room, but Phoebe was no where to be found, there was writing though, written in blood on the wall, that spelled out, "HELP ME."

They ran into the basement and found Phoebe's body lying there, with a knife stuck in her stomach. Mandy looked up from her body and saw a girl standing there, with black curly hair and smiled, "Hello Mandy," she said, "I'm really sorry I hurt her, but she made me mad, and I have temper problems."

"Eva?" Greg asked her.

"How did you know?" she chuckled. 

She took out two more knives and got ready to throw them until both Mandy and Greg threw the holy water at her. Eva chuckled and blinked, her eyes turning black. She said something in Latin, and the two friends fell into complete darkness. 


When they woke up, they were chained by one foot in the basement to the pool table that was set up in the corner of the room. 

"We don't need them," Kyle said to Eva, "Just let them die on their own." 

Eva nodded and walked away from the two teenagers who were knocked out completely cold. 

Four long days and four long nights the two of them spent in there, with no food, and only a little bit of water that a small little girl would give them, her name was Isabella. 

"Thank you," Greg said to her. 

"I would let you free," she told them, "But my daddy would get really mad at me if I did that."

She skipped off and Greg watched as Mandy picked at her clothes, muttering incoherent words to herself. 

She had already went crazy by the first night she spent in the house. 

They were found on the fifth day in the morning, by two boys who were dared to spend a whole day in the house, they called the police and when they got there the two of them were unchained and the first thing Mandy did was start screaming at them, about the spirits that had locked them in there. 

An ambulance came but a special one for her. She was dragged into it, screaming her lungs out while Greg simply just watched. 

He never went to visit her. 


its been so long i know, but i realized that i never wrote this part of the story so i made it an extra


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