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he cared more

about her

than he did

about himself


        "What if we don't make it?" Tamina whispered, looking at Calum, "What if one of us doesn't make it?"

        "Don't say that," Calum snapped, letting out a deep sigh, "We'll be fine, we can do this."

        There was a loud banging sound behind them, making Tamina jump up in fear. She felt heavy breathing on the back of her neck. She turned around and shot, watching the old man, a man she had never seen in the house before, vanish into thin air.

        "Nice," Calum nodded at her.

        They walked down the stairs, running into many different spirits all at once. It was like now they were leaving, all the spirits who had ever died in the house were now appearing, to make sure that they didn't live.

        The spirits all thought it was unfair, the fact there was a possibility that they could live because they died in that house, something that they didn't deserve. They were all angry, that they wanted to see any owner, suffer the way that they did.

        Calum shot at three little girls, who all had a mark on their throat, which he assumed to be the scar of them getting their throats slit in whatever had happened to them.

        Tamina felt a hand grab her wrist and without seeing who it was, she shot.

        "Duck!" Calum yelled loudly at her. Without thinking, Tamina dropped to the floor and Calum shot twice at a boy who looked to be eleven years old.

        "Holy shit how many people died in this house?" Tamina muttered to herself, getting up off the floor. The lights started to flicker and Calum grabbed Tamina's wrist, pulling her closer to him. He didn't want to let her out of his sight, in fear that something would harm her.

        "You two can't leave," they heard a very familiar raspy voice. Tamina turned around and saw the old woman, the one who had been constantly haunting and tormenting her. She tried to dart for the door but the woman grabbed her hard, wrapping both hands around her neck. She held her to the door and Calum tried to move, but he couldn't.

        It felt like someone, or something was holding him back, but there was no one there.

        Tamina gasped for air, but she could barely even move from how hard the woman was grabbing her. She was limp. She knew she was going to die.

        Just as she was ready to close her eyes and let the life leave her, there was a loud shot, and she felt the woman release her. She dropped to the floor and coughed loudly, gasping for air.

        When she was able to breath correctly, she looked at Calum who stared at her with wide eyes. He shook his head, indicating to her that it wasn't him who shot.

        She turned her head and saw Kyle standing there, with her shot gun in his hands. She had dropped it in everything that had been happening to her.

        "Hi beautiful," he smiled at her.

        She smiled a bit, "Hi."

        "You two need to go, now," Kyle said to them, "The door isn't unlocked so you only have once choice."

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