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her dull eyes


that she was slowly

loosing hope


"You're scaring me Tammy," Calum said, his voice soft. She kept telling them that they had to leave, that they had to Greg's store, they kept asking her why but she said she would explain when they got there. Luke didn't want to leave Charlie in the house, but Tamina kept insisting, which was making the others really worried.

"Tammy, we won't go unless you tell us why," Jordyn sighed, "We haven't seen you all day, we thought that you went out and all of a sudden you come downstairs and inist that we go to the store where Greg works at, you're acting really weird."

"Just please," Tamina begged, "Please just come, I promise I'll explain every detail when we get there but I need you guys to trust me, please." She started to tear up, this was so important, if there was any way that they could help Charlie, they had to go see Greg as soon as they could."

Wendy looked at Michael who looked at Tamina and sighed, "Tammy, we can't just leave Charlie." Luke looked at Tamina who was glaring at them, a tear rolled down her cheek which made the others feel really bad, especially Calum.

"Don't cry," he said, "Don't cry Tammy, we just don't want to leave Char-"

"Don't you guys get it?!" Tamina screamed at them, making them flinch, "This is about Charlie! I want you guys to come with me because this has to do with Charlie!"

"What are you-" Ashton started, but was cut off by Tamina screaming at them again.

"There's a way to help Charlie, and I know how to do it!" Tamina screamed at them, "Well I kind of know, Greg has to explain some things to me, to us, that's why we need to go, if there's absouletely any chance of her waking up, you have to trust me."

The others all exchanged glances, and then they all stared at Luke, who was staring at his lap. He swallowed hard and looked up at Tamina who raised her eyebrows.

"Let's go."

The ride there was complete silence, Tamina sat in the front and Ashton occasionally tried talking to her but she only nodded or shook her head, indicating that she really wasn't in the mood to talk, so Ashton decided to just keep quiet.

They had noticed a change in her, well they had all changed since the board, not dramatically, but they were more alert, it wasn't like they were just going to be okay after they knew that the things that were in movies, the things they feared as children in the dark, those things were real.

This change in Tamina, it was.. different than the change that the others were feeling. She seemed almost like she wasn't afraid, they knew she was, but she was being affected differently, it was hard to explain, she seemed more involved in a way, more understanding of what was happening, and the others didn't know why since they didn't understand not one bit what was going on.

When they got to the store, the car hadn't even fully parked when Tamina jumped out and banged on the door of the store where Greg worked at. The others all got out after her and after lots of banging and screaming, Greg came to the door.

"You came," he coughed into a hankerchief, "And you brought your friends, like I asked you too." Tamina looked back at them and then back at Greg and nodded.

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