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do not underestimate

the inhuman


It had been two months. Two months since Charlie fell into her coma, since they played the ouija board and it had been one month since Tamina had gotten her book from Greg. She hid it in her pillow case during the day so none of her friends would find it and at night she hid it in a small box that she had to which one she had the key to. She kept the key in her pillow case, no one ever looked in there.

Charlie was coming home, the hospital said that they wouldn't keep her there anymore, so now, they were going to take her home and a nurse would come and check on her in her own bed. Luke was helping them out and no one knew where Tamina was, they all thought that she had left the house, they had been calling her, but she put her phone on silent, so she wouldn't have to hear the vibrating.

She was in the attic, where the ouija board was at, reading her book. She refused to get close to the board, but she knew that she had to keep reading, and she couldn't read downstairs with all her friends, they would ask about the book, if she read in her room Jordyn might walk in and ask what it was.

She didn't understand much, but she was interested in the fact that it had to do with dreaming. There was a creak to the attic and Tamina quickly put the book behind her. She saw that no one was there and she swallowed hard, her heart nearly stopped when she knew that she wasn't alone. There was something else in the attic with her, and she did not want to know what it was.

She turned around and saw the planchette moving across the board, slowly from letter to letter. She told herself not to go over there, to leave, to walk out of the attic right at that moment because she was going to put herself in danger, if there was one thing that she knew was to not play alone, but her curiousity wouldn't let her just sit there, she had to see.

She crawled slowly to the board and sat in front of it. She watched as it stopped in the middle, she knew that someone wanted to talk to her, why else would it be moving, someone or something was trying to get her attention. She put her fingers on the planchette and swallowed hard, preparing for the worst.

The board moved from letter to letter, spelling out two words that let Tamina know exactly who she was talking to.

I'm sorry.

She didn't say anything, she only took her fingers away from the planchette. She was not afraid, even though she probably should have been, he had a different effect on her this boy, she was still confused, why had he tried to suffocate her, why did he do that? She was talking to something that wasn't alive, her friends would have been terrified, how come she wasn't? Was it because she was brave? Or was it because it was the boy that she was talking to?

She put her fingers back on the planchette and the piece moved, spelling out only one word.


"What about the book?" she asked, her heartbeat now starting to accelarate. She heard noise downstairs as they moved Charlie into the bedroom with her machines, she made sure to keep her voice low.

Finish it.

She crawled over to the book and saw that she only had about another chapter left, which was titled "Your Turn."

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