black mask

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It was the funeral of Haylee's father. Kyle was fifteen when this happened and Haylee was also fifteen.

It was wrong for children to date at such a young age, which made it hard for them at that time but they managed. There was a small garden where they met up when they wanted to see one another, it was the place where they had first met.

"Kyle," Josh came up behind his brother, "We're leaving, let's go."

Kyle walked up to Haylee and told her that he would see her the next day. He was head over heels for her and he didn't want to think of himself with anyone else but her.

His parents knew that the two of them were together, but they never said anything becaue they were different parents. They knew that their children would live and learn while others saw it as horrid that teenagers could date at only fourteen or fifteen.

They lived in one of the big houses in town at the time. It was old, a woman hired men to build it for her, she went by the name Paulina Cartwright.

Kyle saw pictures of her in his room when him and his family first moved in which he put in the attic because they creeped him out.

Josh walked into his room and handed him Kyle a pill. He had take one pill every night before he went to sleep.

See Kyle had something wrong with him, something that made him think there were two people inside him. There was a sweet Kyle and then there was a Kyle who wanted to hurt people.

These pills helped him realize that there was only one person inside him, but that he was sociopath and that he just had to accept that.

He hated taking the pills because it reminded him of how crazy he really was, and the things that he could do to hurt other people.

"Here," Josh handed him the water.

Kyle was sometimes envious that his brother was normal and that he wasn't but if there was someone that he could never hurt, it was his brother Josh, they got into their fights but he would never do the things that went through his mind.

Same with Haylee; she was so precious to him that the idea of hurting her made him sick to his stomach.

"Is Haylee okay?" Josh asked him, "Were her and her dad close?"

Kyle nodded, "Pretty close."

"I'm going to get some sleep, it's kind of early I know, but I had a long day, so did you, get rest," Josh said to him.

Kyle looked at the time, seven-thirty exactly. The place where the funeral was held was an hour away from where they lived, it ended later than expected as well, he was surprised, he thought it was only five o'clock.

He buried his face into the pillow and sighed. He turned over so he was facing the window and let the darkness swallow him.


There was a schizophrenic man, two houses down from the murder house. There was a woman's voice, telling him he had to go save the family in the house because they were in trouble.

Since he was schizophrenic, no one believed his story, that there was an old woman who told him he had to.

Even though he may have been ill, what he heard was not his mind playing tricks on him.

He went into his closet and did as he was told. He grabbed the black boots, black pants, and black shirt. He grabbed a black mask and when he was suited into what he was ordered to wear, he was told to grab the knife in the kitchen, any knife of his choice.

He didn't know what to pick, so he grabbed the first one in sight. She told him to go to the house and visit the child in the room on the second floor to the left. His name was Josh Walker and he was sure to be in trouble unless he didn't help him.

Paul told the voice that he would as she said if it meant helping the boy. He ran to the house, without being soon and when he tried to get into the house, he was upset when he saw it was locked, only making him even more anxious.

He went to the back door and got inside and once he did, he made little noise as he walked into Josh's room.

Josh was a light sleeper, and when he heard footsteps, his eyes immediately opened. He was facing away from the intruder and he slowly reached under his bed, where he always kept a baseball bat.

He grabbed it slowly and when he swung around to hit whoever it was, the person ducked and the bat went across the room. Paul wore gloves, like the woman said, and wrapped his hands around the boys throat.

Josh was a strong fifteen year old and he struggled to get out of the man in the masks hands.

The man took out his knife and stabbed Josh write in his stomach. Josh tried to scream but by the way the man was holding his throat with one hand, it made it hard to scream for help.

Paul stabbed Josh in the same spot, seventeen times and eventually Josh died. He died with his eyes open, staring right into the man with the black masks eyes with blood dripping off the side of his bed.

He went into the parents bedroom and stabbed Henry first, with Karen screaming as he did. Seventeen times for both of them, seventeen was Paul's favorite number.

Paul walked to the next room, where he found Kyle trying to call someone for help. He walked closely to the boy and knocked the phone out of his hand. Kyle put up a fight and punched the man's jaw, but even then, Paul was still stronger.

He pushed Kyle onto the bed and grabbed the pillow, suffocating him. Kyle was still conscious when Paul threw the pillow off and stabbed him seventeen times. Kyle screamed out in pain and Paul watched as blood dripped off the sides of the boys bed.

Kyle muttered his last words to the man, "Why did you do this?"

Paul remembered what he had been told, "I had to save you."

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