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Freddy sat in the kitchen, stirring his cereal around and around the light blue bowl. He ended up just spilling it out into the sink and walking up the stairs and into the bathroom.

He looked up in the mirror and faced himself, the person who he had become. When he was younger, eh never thought he would ever kill anyone, but now he had to live with it everyday.

He hid the bodies in the closet as well as the gun, and he hadn't been done there since. He contemplated suicide once he had killed all three of them, but he saw that as a sign of weakness. He wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't weak, that he would never let a woman make him weak but the fact that he killed an entire family because of a woman who lied to him, well, that showed him otherwise.

He knew suicide wasn't the answer, so instead he just put the gun down and shoved all the bodies into the closet, then kicked the gun inside as well.

It had been a good month since the killings and he had been inhabiting the house ever since. He turned on the water and splashed water in his face, trying to distract himself from the thoughts of that day that were running threw his mind.

He thought about it every day, he regretted it every day. If he had just never gotten involved with her, none of that would have ever happened. She never even told him that she was a married woman, but even after she did, he continued to have an affair with him and he knew that it was wrong, but he fell in love with her so quick that he was to selfish to stop himself.

Freddy looked at the sink for a moment, and then looked back up and when he did, he saw one of his own victims.

He gasped and turned around quickly, but didn't see Garrett standing behind him anymore. He swallowed hard and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm going crazy," he muttered.

He turned on the water in the bath and sighed deeply, he was about to take off his shirts, when a pressure hit his back causing him to fall into the water.

Freddy gasped for air as the man holding him down smiled, laughing loudly. He grabbed Freddy's shirt and pulled him up, so they could meet eye to eye.

"This is for my family," Garrett, Isabella's father, said to him.

Freddy opened his mouth to say something but was held down in the water. When Garrett was finally sure that he had gotten his revenge, he released him, letting his body sink into the bathtub. He turned around and walked out of the bathroom, meeting his daughter who was standing outside the door.

"Daddy-" Isabella started, but Garrett cut her off.

"Everything's okay sweetheart," he picked her up.

"Why did you do that?" she asked him, curiosity in her voice.

Garrett stared at Freddy and then at his daughter, "He deserved it sweetheart."


it was short but its like a part 2 of infidelity so ya

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