Ickle Ginnykins

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This story takes place in The Goblet Of Fire.

Fred and George Weasley – sixth year students of Gryffindor House in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, smirked collectively as they strode up the corridor and caught up to their brother Ron and his best Friends – Harry Potter and Hermione Granger.

Moments earlier they had been informed about an upcoming Yule Ball, and so they set off to annoy Ron about dates and dancing.

"Ronnie!" They greeted their brother joyously as they each wrapped an arm over his shoulder. "So corking to see you!"

Ron knew that they only wanted to tease him, so he scoffed and tried to wrench free of their grasp.

But the twins were too strong.

"So, which unlucky witch has our darling brother got his eyes on?" Fred asked.

"None of your business." Ron responded.

Fred pulled back, feigning hurt.

"I was only trying to help." Fred said. Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

"I could use some help." Harry said darkly.

"Anything o' great Gryffindor Champion!" George proclaimed, running ahead of Harry and falling onto his knees infront of him.

"Ask and your will shall be done!" Fred added, falling into place next to his twin.

"I've just come from Professer McGonagall. She just told me I need to find a dance partner to open the Yule Ball. I'd rather face that Dragon again."

The twins laughed from the floor.

"But you're a Tri-Wizard champion, and Harry Potter on top. The girls will be queueing up to go with you!" Ron pointed out, keeping most of the bitterness out of his voice.

"That's not always a good thing." Harry pointed out. "Is there any way you guys could give me something underdeveloped around Christmas to keep me out of commission."

Before either twin could respond, Hermione broke into the conversation.

"Out of the question. Harry, you'll just have to ask someone. Surely there is someone you like."

"Well…I don't know…" Harry trailed off.

"Well, even if we cannot save you from dancing, Harry, we're glad we came. It seems we share your predicament, and would like your help and advice. Yours too, Miss Granger, if you would deign to share your intelligence with such mortals as ourselves." The twins proclaimed.

Ron looked miffed about be excluded from the statement.

"You'd have no problems getting dates." Ron spoke up. "You two are the most popular boys in the house."

"That, dear brother." Fred said, grinning.

"Is exactly our problem." George finished.

At Harry and Hermione's quizzical stares, the twins addressed the pressing issue that they brought up.

"Hermione, I ask you this because you are a member of the feminine gender, and as such, you have inner knowledge that George and I lack, and may be able to help us in this most vital matter of importance."

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