Potter Production Presents

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A/N: Okay, I had totally forgotten about Harry's birthday, but I came up with this idea in the shower, and I really hope you like it!
Try to really imagine it as a documentary, the camera always filming from the same place, each person appearing in turn ... hope you like it.

Harry was blindfolded being taken somewhere he didn't know where, maybe it was just their living room, but his kids looked so anxious it was as if they were taking him off planet.

Every birthday Ginny tried to make more and more creative gifts, and the kids were always involved, ever since Teddy was old enough to be able to hold a crayon.

This year, of course, was no different.

''Okay dad, here we go…'' Lily-Lu said, pulling the blindfold off his eyes. They were in the attic of their house, where Harry had built something between "a place to rest" and a "private cinema". All the lights were off, only the TV was on, and his kids were all there, sitting next to him looking anxious, Ginny smiled at her husband, seeming to try to hide her nervousness as well. ''This year, we did something different,''

''Yeah, much more creative,'' Teddy added, handing him a pot of popcorn.

''Hope you like it, we made it with lots of love,'' Ginny winked at him, an adorable smile on her face.

"I always do, guys," Harry said, looking at his family there, not knowing why every year they tried to do a thousand different things, when he was already more than happy to just be alive and being able to hug his childrens and wife.

''Okay, okay,'' James Sirius waved his hand, as if his humility wasn't as admirable as everyone had always thought. ''So here we go… Potter Production presents…''

''The real Harry Potter.'' Albus said, pressing a button on the remote and then starting a movie.

Potter Productions Family Presents

Their living room appeared, Sir lying on the sofa as usual, the house silent by some miracle, the sun streaming in through the many windows and illuminating the entire room in a way that conveyed a sense of comfort and peace.

If footsteps were heard, Sir lifted his head just long enough to recognize who had entered the room, looking genuinely happy as Ginny sat down on the couch in front of the camera.

The Real Harry Potter

After Ginny, there was a cut and then each of the film's participants began to appear, all sitting there; Teddy, James, Albus, Lily-Lu, Ron, Hermione, all of the Weasley family (who almost didn't fit in the scene or in the reserved space of the sofa), some Aurors friends, Neville, Luna, and finally, the empty sofa again.

Behind the Savior of the Wizarding World

Scene I:  The Best Friend.

''Harry was the first Not-Weasley I met,'' Ron began, sitting on the couch, wearing an old Chudley Cannons T-shirt that Harry had given him on Christmas after the war. "I remember looking at him, not knowing who he was, and thinking… Wow, this boy is kind of weird… cool." He laughed.

''I don't think I'll ever forget his astonished face when I fixed his glasses,'' The scene cut to Hermione, who had a sweet smile on her face. "I think watching his fascination with the simplest things, magical and non-magical, made me always feel so… welcomed by him, you know? Harry has the ability to make you see the simplest of things with a much kinder, more curious look than I normally would."

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