The Green Eyed Traitor

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This story takes place in The Half-Blood Prince

Ron and Hermione, being the best buddies that they were, were in the common room, studying and enjoying each other's company. Hermione was hard at work, but Ron had pushed his work away, proclaiming that he'd finished – but that the standard of work would never approach Hermione's.

"Ron, if you just applied yourself…" Hermione began, but for once, Ron wasn't going to be drawn into an argument.

"You're right Hermione... But there's something that's been gnawing at my mind lately and I can't concentrate."

"Oh?" Hermione started, looking up from her parchment at Ron with a quizzical expression. "Why is that?"

"Have you noticed Harry, lately?"


"He's spending less and less time with us…come to think of it…he hasn't sat down and studied with us in weeks." Ron lowered his voice. "I think he's getting his work in early to free up his evenings."

Hermione just fiddled with her quill.

"And…" Ron added for the Coup de Grace. "He's always so happy…Compared to his usual, brooding persona. What's the term you said the Muggles say? 'The Principle of Cause and Effect?'"

"Yes." Hermione replied, momentarily stunned that Ron remembered.

"I think." Ron began smugly. "That Harry's got a girlfriend."

"Now Ron…" Hermione warned.

"Don't worry Hermione." Ron waved off her worries. "I've matured and I won't be jealous. Besides, I now know I can get a girlfriend and let me tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be."

"If Harry does have a girlfriend… maybe he wants some privacy."

"Of course!" Ron replied. "And as his best mate, it is my duty to invade that privacy and find out exactly who she is!"

Hermione smiled coyly and returned to her work, while Ron began plotting and thinking.


Harry, though, was seemingly in no mood to cooperate with Ron's investigation. Every time Ron observed his best friend when he wasn't with either himself or Hermione (an increasing occurrence) he was with Ginny.

After a few days, Ron asked Hermione:
"Did you tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"That I was conducting an investigation."

"I haven't breathed a word."

"He somehow knows." Ron said, staring at Harry's back. "Oh, I can just see that smug grin on his face right now."


"Hermione!" Ron yelled as he charged through the portrait hole. "Can I talk to you for a moment please?"

Hermione, seeing Ron's expression, swept her work into her bag and followed Ron out into an empty hallway.

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