The Burrow

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This story takes in 1969. When I found out (through a little HP wiki searching) that the Burrow had started out life as a pig pen, I couldn't resist from writing a story about it.

Ottery St. Catchpole, Spring 1969

The fact that Lucius Malfoy had an undeclared feud with Arthur was something that Molly had accepted during their years at Hogwarts. She had, perhaps foolishly, assumed that once he graduated and married Narcissa Black that he let go of his childhood rivalry and move on. Obviously she had been too optimistic.

"It's a pig pen." Molly had hoped that if she said it out loud that it would seem more real, but it hadn't worked.

Arthur flushed and scuffed the toe of his boot on the ground. He looked unbearably young in that moment, and Molly had to remind herself that they had both graduated Hogwarts last summer.

"Malfoy managed to block every house I tried to buy. I don't know how he did it, but every house I bid on either went up in price or got mysteriously yanked off the market." Arthur put his hands in his pockets and turned to look at the property.

"Hatred knows no bounds, huh." As soon as the words slipped from her mouth Molly wished she could pull them back - anything to take the crushed look off of Arthur's face.

"I'm sorry, Molly," Arthur whispered and he turned even redder.

Immediately Molly moved closer to her fiancé and slid her arm through his. The solid stone structure had probably been standing for longer than the ruins of the Tudor house that it adjoined. It had a look of survival about it. Molly nodded to herself. If Malfoy wanted to reduce them to a pig pen, fine. He couldn't make them ashamed of where they lived. Only they could do that, and Molly wouldn't let that happen.

"I love it," she declared with a firm nod. "It's got a good, solid stone foundation. Mum always says that a good foundation is important. We can make whatever we'll need."

The eager, hopeful look on Arthur's face made Molly's chest ache.


It was so soft she almost didn't hear it and she could feel her face heat up.

"Arthur." She looked around to make sure that no one was nearby before she pressed a quick kiss to his lips.


"There." Molly put her hands on her hips and looked around.

A few transfiguration spells, some charms, and enchantments and you couldn't even tell that it had been a pig pen. It just looked like home. Joy swelled in Molly's chest. Their wedding had been a small, quiet affair with just family attending; now she was officially Molly Weasley. A shiver went down her spine as she whispered the words to herself.

Even though their wedding had been the day before Arthur was at the Ministry bright and early in the morning. He was too young and too new in his position to be able to take any time off of work. He had apologized over and over to Molly, but she wouldn't hear any of it. This gave her the perfect opportunity to surprise him by completing all the changes he had wanted to do, but hadn't had a chance to finish.

"I don't know if having us help was any use, sis." Fabian Prewett was eyeing her house with a frown.

Gideon chuckled. "It looks more like a burrow than a house."

"Don't you dare say anything bad about my house," Molly growled at her brothers.

Fabian and Gideon held up their hands and grinned at her. "Wouldn't dream of it."

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