I Love You

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This story takes place before The Philosopher's Stone.

'I love you.'

How many times had Ginny dreamt of those words being spoken to her by Harry Potter when she was younger?


"No dear. You hold the quill like this." Her mummy paused as Ginny tried to correct her grip on the quill. "There! We won't worry about dipping it into ink right now. A Self-Inking Quill is better for learning to write. Now, watch how I make the 'G.' Start at the top and make a big curve. Then we make one little line here and another little line right...here. Alright, dear, now you try."

Ginny smiled at her mother, excited to be learning how to write her name. All of her brothers, even Ron, could all write their names. She wanted to be able to make a sign for her door so everyone would know that it was Ginny's room, not Ginevra's.

It was harder to write a 'G' than she had expected. Her mum's letter was beautiful and made Ginny proud that her name started with such a pretty letter. Ginny's own big curve was wobbly and the little lines were just wrong. It didn't seem to matter how ugly her 'G' was to her mummy, however.

"Oh, Ginny dear, that's lovely! With a little practice, you'll have it down in no time! Now let's try the 'I.'"

The lesson on writing her name continued, occasionally being interrupted by one of her brothers. The four year old couldn't wait to learn the things that her brothers were learning. Ron was reading his favourite story, Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump. Fred and George were doing some sort of maths that included playing with Mum's cooking things and figuring out how many biscuits each of them would get from the batch Mum had baked that morning. Of course Percy had already completed all of the work Mum had assigned him for the day and was reading Bill's old first year Potions book so that he could be ready for the upcoming September.

While her mum was explaining to the twins how many different ways they could use her measuring spoons to fill a large jar, Ginny's daddy came in the back door. Ginny rushed to her father and threw her arms around him.

"What did you do today, Ladybug? It looks like you've been busy with the ink!" Ginny laughed and then pulled her daddy over to show him her efforts at writing her name.

"I wanted to make a sign for my door that says 'Ginny's Room,' but I think I'm done." He winked at her before picking up the quill and adding a few more letters to her bit of parchment.

"There you go, Ladybug. Now you have a sign all ready to hang on your door." With a flick of his wand, Spell-O-Tape flew from a cluttered drawer into his hand. "How about you go hang it up and then wash your hands?" Ginny followed her daddy's instructions before dinner.

When Ginny's parents tucked her in later that night, her mum promised to help Ginny make her letters pretty and her dad read her favourite "Boy-Who-Lived" book. The last thing she remembered before drifting off to sleep was saying "I love you" to her mum and dad.


Ginny peeked out of her room, checking both ways to make sure that the coast was clear. She quietly slipped down the steps. Her mum saw Ginny the moment she entered the kitchen. With a knowing smirk, she handed Ginny a basket and told her to be back in time for supper.

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