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This story takes place in The Deathly Hallows and after the war. AU.

Story idea by: harryginny2004

Out of the corner of her eye, Molly watched the duel between Bellatrix Lestrange, Ginny, Hermione, and Luna. She wanted more than anything to jump in, to pull her girls to safety. But that was the way of things in war, young people forced to fight. They'd already lost Fred today; she just hoped with all her being that they wouldn't lose anyone else.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna were holding their own, but Bellatrix was slowly gaining the upper hand. Molly watched with despair as Bellatrix shot out a Killing Curse; it seemed like it was to hit Ginny, and Molly rushed forward. Not her, not her only girl! She wouldn't lose another one of their children.

But a scream came as the curse hit someone else, hit Hermione. From where Molly stood, she could now see that Bellatrix had actually aimed for her, not Ginny. Her heart broke; Hermione was like a daughter to her. Her son's best friend, his first love. Molly would get justice for her, for her parents, for her son, who would be heartbroken when he saw. The necklace Ron had proudly shown her just days before they had gone on their adventure lay glistening on Hermione's still chest. The scarlet sand was draining much too fast.

Bellatrix just snickered aimed her wand at the girls again, ready to strike once more, to take another life.

Molly stepped in front of the girls and snarled, "Not my daughter, you bitch."

Bellatrix spun around and scoffed, "Your daughter?" She cackled. "You're as foolish as the little Mudblood was."

Ginny and Luna raised their wands as well, ready to avenge their friend.

"Out of my way!" Molly pushed the girls aside; she wouldn't let that woman hurt them like she had Hermione. All the sand was at the bottom of the hourglass around her neck. It was official; she was gone.

The duel between them began; Molly was fuelled by her grief for Fred and Hermione and all those young lives lost in a thoughtless war. She wanted to protect them all. They had such bright futures, taken away by people who cared nothing for what they were destroying.

Molly was going to stop this woman, once and for all.

And she did just that. Bellatrix Lestrange met her end by Molly's wand. They won the war, but at what cost? Ron's heart broke when he saw Hermione's still body. Molly removed the necklace so that Ron could keep it as a memento of his first love.


After they were unable to find her parents, Hermione was buried beside Fred on the outskirts of their garden at the Burrow. That way, they were always home.

It was quiet in the Burrow. Despite the gathering of people, not a word was said, for this was a moment that words couldn't reach.

Hermione Jean Granger

Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.

The words were written under the picture frame, a reminder that she was gone. At least Molly had made her pay for what she'd done. But that didn't make Hermione's absence any less painful, for it was everywhere and with everyone; Hermione had left a gaping hole in their lives. One that Molly hoped would someday heal.

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