Plugs And Outlets (part 1)

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This story takes place after The Order of The Phoenix. For Mature Audience.

Getting into bed, Arthur Weasley gave a deep sigh of relief. He was dead tired and what he wanted most right now was a good night’s sleep. He bent over his wife’s side and kissed her on the cheek. "Good night, MollyWobbles."

"You know, Arthur, it’s so nice to have them all home again." She said, sounding wide awake.

"Umm humm," he replied sleepily.

"The house is so quite while they are all away. It gives me little to do."

"Well, now that Fred and George have graduated, I suppose you’ll have lots to do, keeping after them." He had hoped that that would end the conversation and he could get some sleep.

He knew how upset Molly was that Fred and George weren’t as determined to get ‘respectable’ jobs as Bill, Charlie, or Percy. No, the twins were dead set on opening that joke shop!

"Yes, I’ll keep after them," she said softly. "And I suppose we’ll be seeing a great deal of Hermione this summer, too. I’ll have to keep after her and Ron."

Not really hearing his wife, Arthur said, "Hermione has never caused trouble. She won’t be a bother if she visits."

"No, but she’s never been dating our son, either."

This woke him up. "What? She’s dating our son?"

Smiling at her husband, Molly said, "Of course she is! Didn’t you see how sweet Ron was to her? I even spotted him giving her a little kiss!"

That made him nervous. "Er, Molly dear, how long do you suppose this has been going on?"

"Not long," she yawned. "I asked Harry, and he said it started around Christmas time. And I also noticed that Harry has been paying an awful lot of attention to Ginny lately."

Sitting up in bed, Arthur said, "Hold on. Molly, one kid at a time! Have you talked to Ron?"

"Heaven’s no, that’s your job dear." She thought about it a minute and said, "You did talk to the other boys didn’t you?"


"But what? Then this should be easy for you. And you should savor it, dear. Ron is your last chance to have the ‘father/son’ chat."

Nodding and lying back down, Arthur said, "Yes, Molly dear, but you get the honors of speaking to Ginny."

"Agreed." She kissed him and they both fell asleep.


Standing in front of Ron’s closed bedroom door the next day, Arthur paused and quickly went over his speech in his head. He put his hand to the door and knocked lightly. "Ron, you in there?"

His son’s voice came from within. "Yeah?
You need something?"

"May I come in?"

"Sure…but don’t complain about the mess!"

Arthur opened the door to his son’s very orange bedroom and glanced around. It was indeed messy, but then, Ron had just gotten back from his fifth year at Hogwarts yesterday and was in the middle of unpacking.

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