Setting the Table

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This story takes place in The Deathly Hallows and After the war.

Suddenly Harry became aware that this was the first time that he had been alone with her since those stolen hours in the secluded corners of the Hogwarts grounds. He was sure she was remembering them too. Ginny walked slowly around the table, face frozen in shock. "Ginny," Harry mumbled, trying to stop her, knowing that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from ravishing her if she got too close.

She stood right up against him and wrapped his shirt in her hands, "Harry. Please."

Harry took her hands in his and gave her a pleading look. "Gin, I can't. If Voldemort ever found out, you would be targeted, and I can't allow you to be hurt because of me."

"Harry it's not because of you! It wouldn't be. It would be because I love you, and can't stand to be away from you." She stood up on her toes and pressed herself forward until her face was an inch away from his. "If I was targeted it would be because Voldemort is a cowardly man who has to go after the people that his enemies are close too, instead of the actual enemy." Harry inhaled, the moment that she exhaled, and tasted her sweet breath. "I love you Harry, I always have, and I always will!"

Outside the kitchen door, Bill and Arthur Weasley, along with Kingsley Shacklebolt stood frozen, watching the scene in front of them unfold.

"Ginny, you know that I love you!" Harry said with a determined look on his face. He bent his head down and, in an oddly Dumbledore fashion, looked at her over his glasses. "But I cannot- NO, I will not put you in danger for my own selfish wants."

Harry turned and started to walk away, but was stopped when a hand clamped onto his wrist and spun him around. Ginny pushed Harry back into the table, the wood pressing into the small of his back. "Harry James Potter," she said, entwining her fingers into his, and turning it around so his was closer to hers, and pressed her lips to his hand. "You are my everything. How do you think that I feel when you're off saving the wizarding world? You don't know how terrified I was after you ran out of that room in the Department of Mysteries. I wasn't terrified because my life was in danger, I was terrified, because yours was. And then walking into the atrium to see your body, crumpled on the floor, writhing in agony because Voldemort was torturing you."
Ginny paused, and wiped at her eyes. "Harry I love you. You said something at the end of fifth year about us having something that Voldemort doesn't." She leaned close to him again, their lips a breaths distance away. "Don't let that monster take away our something worth fighting for. Because Harry we are! You and I, us, WE are worth fighting for."

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her against him, leaning his forehead against hers. "Ginny, fighting this battle, would be pointless without knowing that you'll be here waiting. When I'm gone, I want you to know that I'm fighting for you! You are everything good in my life, combined, and disguised in this wonderful, beautiful, kind, and caring person standing before me; and for some reason, unbeknownst to me, you have chosen to let me love you, and love me in return. Ginny," he said, caressing her face, "when this war is over, and Voldemort is dead, then the first thing that I will do, is marry you. We'll go off on one of those secluded honeymoons and disappear for months, and then you'll have to go back to school, and I'll get a job and get us a house." He looked off out of the window above the sink. "I can plan our entire future in my head, in less than a second." He looked down into her eyes, and his head inched forward a little bit.

"Harry.." Ginny breathed, putting her hands on his face.

"Yes?" He asked, pulling her tight against them.

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