Proper Behaviour

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This story takes place after the war. For Mature Audience.

Story idea by: harryginny2004

It was an average summer day in July in Britain. Despite the fact that the circumstances that he found himself in were nothing to laugh about, the dark haired young man can't help but smile at the actions of his red-headed companion as she paces to and fro in front of him, all the while muttering angrily under her breath.

Taking a deep breath, he moves forward, enveloping her in his arms.

"Please calm down, Gin. We will work something out."

The redhead turns in his arms, burying her face in his chest.

"But when, Harry? It's been two months since you defeated Tom and we haven't had a chance to get together since then. I'll be going back to school on the first of September and you'll be heading off for Auror training, meaning we will barely have time to meet for lunch let alone do something else."

His faced filled with frustration and sadness, Harry is about to answer when a voice rings out.

"Ginny! Ginny, where are you?"

An angry growl escapes Ginny's lips as she hears the voice. Looking at Harry's watch, she shakes her head.

"Six minutes! Six minutes all to ourselves! That's all we keep getting! Five minutes here, six minutes there. It's not fair. Don't we deserve some time alone?"

"I know, Gin. I know. You better go and see what Hermione wants before they send the hounds after us."

With a small smile, she stands on tiptoes and gives him a quick kiss before heading towards their friend.

Watching her go, Harry warily sits down against a tree, shaking his head. Like Ginny, he wishes that they could get some time together to talk, get reacquainted and to rekindle their relationship. He knows that Ginny still loves him, and Merlin knows, he loves her. Heck, he basically died for her. Both of them want a serious relationship with the other but at the way things are going, Harry is afraid that their relationship will die before it has even had a chance to start.

Harry shakes his head again as he thinks back to the past two months. At first they were too busy grieving and helping each other, but as things turned back to normal it seemed that all of her brothers and Hermione had taken it upon themselves to run interference. Every time that he and Ginny were alone, one of them came to finds them, suddenly needing one of them for something or another. The only exceptions were Molly, who was having a hard time getting over the loss of one of her sons, Arthur, who was kept so busy at the Ministry that he rarely came home and Bill and Fleur, who did their best to help them, but were busy with their lives and work and only came to the Burrow on occasion.

Harry smiles at the memory of what they did just last week.

As usual, he and Ginny were being kept apart that day and Harry was about to blow when Fleur arrived at the Burrow, she said that she needed some help with shopping and seeing as Bill was unavailable, she decided that Harry was the next best thing. Leading a bewildered Harry to the fireplace, they flooed to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. The next thing that Harry knew; they were standing in front of a tattoo parlour.

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