Weasley Christmas Meal

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This story takes place after the war. 

Wow I'm not looking forward to this. The bloody annual Weasley family Christmas meal. Every year I go and every year it turns into a night of my mother cooing over my nieces and nephews followed by the disappointing look for the lack of children I have produced.

The pitying looks my brothers throw me are enough to make me want to drink myself stupid and find the first guy that appears and marry him. But still I go every year and face them all, still the singleton that I am. If I didn't, I don't think my life would be worth living after my mother had finished with me.

The clock chimed 7:00pm and I took in a deep breath, glancing over my flat one last time I turned on the spot and went in to darkness for a brief second before colliding with something very solid in front of the Burrow. I fell to the floor and what ever I had hit fell on top of me with an 'Oomph'.

"Ginny," the person said alarmed.

"Harry," I asked squinting at him in the darkness.

"Hi," he grinned.

"Well hi to you too," I said with a raised eyebrow; he was making no effort to move.

"How are you? It's a while since we've seen one another," he commented.

"I'm good, you?" I returned.

"Good, how's work going?" he asked. I had to bite back a laugh, here he was laying on top of me in the garden of my childhood home and having a casual conversation when at any point if any one of my brothers were to appear, would probably try to hex Harry for taking advantage of me.

"Good, I'm on a holiday at the moment though," I told him. Even though it was in the minus degrees out here it was incredibly warm beneath him.

"Ah I see even the famous Chaser Ginny Weasley has to take a holiday from the Harpies," he teased and I managed to roll my eyes even though I wanted to smirk.

"So how's life with the famous Harry Potter, still trying to run the Auror office with my brother?"

"Yes," he said flatly not taking my bait.

"So as comfortable as this is I really think we ought to be getting inside," I suggested making Harry blush.

"Yes, good idea," he said standing and offering a hand out to help me up. I gladly took it and stood straightening my jacket.

"So no girlfriend this year?" I asked looking round him as if some girl was about to magically appear.

"No afraid not," he sighed dramatically. "No boyfriend?" he asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Well aren't we in for a fun evening, your mother will be in her high holes what with the both of us to pity on for being single," he laughed making me smile.

"Well at least we'll have each other for support, that and the bottle of Firewhisky I intend on drinking before the night is over," I said.

"Now there's a plan, can I join you?" he asked as we stopped before the back door and braced ourselves.

"Sounds like everyone's already here," he said.

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